A Fresh Friend

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Alter was swimming ahead of Spin, TK, Stitches, and Violet. "Why are we going to the kelp forest?" Asked Spin. "We're going to collect kelp for different things. Some are for food, others can be used for medicine, and some for crafts." Explained Alter. "What sort of crafts?" Asked TK. "Things like bags, paper, and nests." Answered Alter.

They each began gathering up kelp and putting it in some bags. Violet let out a screech when they saw a face in the kelp. The others swam over. "Sorry for scaring ya brah," said the Mer. "Who are you?" Asked Violet. "Name's Fresh bro." He said. "What are you doing out here?" Questioned Spin. "Just hanging out." Said Fresh. "Maybe he could join our group," said TK. "Sounds interesting little brah." Said Fresh. In the end, Fresh, who was a leafy sea dragon, came back with them.

Fresh was definitely strange, but also helpful. He was smart and helped with the crafts. Using the stuff they gathered, Alter and some others made bags and paper. They would use it to write and record things, as well as teach the younger mers to read. They had brought some kelp to grow in the caves that Fresh would typically hang around.

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