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Red swam, hoping to find a decent area to make a den. He hissed, feeling something snag one of his tentacles. It was a trap. He reached a hand to try and remove it and growled as the attempt sent a jolt of pain through his tentacle.

"Need some help?" Asked a voice. He swung toward the voice and saw a mer. They were a skeleton type mer with interesting markings and spines. He hesitated a moment before grumbling, "I guess." They set to releasing his tentacle. It only took them a couple minutes to undo the trap and there wasn't much pain. "Thanks," muttered Red. "You're welcome. I'm Stitches." She said. "Red. What 're you doing out here?" He said. "I found a good place for a den and was looking to see what the hunting's like." She said. "You live here with your school or whatever?" Asked Red. "No, I live alone." Said Stitches. "Really?" Asked Red. "Yeah," said Red.

Red had mentioned looking for a den and being a little lonely, so Stitches invited him to form a little group with her. "So, what is it like being a meroctopus?" Asked Stitches. Red shrugged and said, "I've never met any others and I'm not the best with my abilities." It was true, Red had at one point, turned himself invisible on accident and hadn't been able to turn invisible since. "Well, I'm not exactly sure what I am either." She said.

They arrived at the place. It looked like an old ship half buried in a cliff, but it connected to a cave system containing ruins.

They each had their own preferred area in the den. They worked out strategies for hunting together and set up some traps. Red enjoyed the other mer's company and was glad she never really pushed him on his past, so he didn't push for hers.

Stitches design:

Stitches design:

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