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The first paragraph of this part is transferred from my profile.

I utterly lost track of what was going on in Stellarlune. With everything Shannon's done to make KotLC exciting and awesome, I have a horrible feeling that the ending will be boring, anticlimactic, weird, pointless, incomprehensible, or all five. There's too much nonsense going on to resolve it satisfyingly. Shannon really wants us to wonder who Elysian is (Elysian is one of the Infamous Messenger Cliffhangers, after all), but I don't care at all. Elysian is probably nowhere near as exciting as my brain wants her to be.

As far as I could tell, Stellarlune contained magic flowers, a starstone, stained glass, someone's memories, and secrets all linked together haphazardly and also there's another step to stellarlune and Vespera randomly died.

Literally randomly. After forcing Vespera to join the Neverseen, Gisela just literally exploded her.

Like. What? So random. And also how is Gisela going to make crazy illusions anymore because those would come in handy. Not to mention she wasted her last piece of the power source and Nightfall's almost over so she might not have time to get more. Not very well-thought-out, and Gisela thinks everything out. So...out of character.

It kind of seemed like Shannon was just getting rid of of Vespera because she had too many villains. Which makes me wonder what's going to happen to Gethen and Trix and Ruy and the mysterious Technopath and all the other Neverseen members.

Not to mention Shannon ended it in the middle of a battle, when some new character showed up. And I know it's a Messenger Cliffhanger, but it's confusing.

A confusing end to a confusing book.


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