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I still can't tell why Gisela does what she does.

She's experimenting on her son, destroying things, murdering people, making up creepy legacies, exploding things, running rebel organizations, and so much more—for what?

She has no personal reason to want to overthrow the Council that we know of, except world domination. And I don't consider "world domination" a reason unto itself. Why world domination?

I'd love to see more character development for Gisela, but all we're getting is more tidbits about her/Keefe's legacy. As is, she's a villain because she's a villain.

Especially considering what we found out about her in Stellarlune, she's a Conjurer. This means that when she was a teenager, she had a reason to keep a non-forbidden ability secret. I don't get it. Was Gisela part of the Neverseen when she was 15-ish?

Does Shannon have a big, important, game-changing revelation planned for us, or is this going to forever remain confusing?

Keeper of the Lost Cities ThoughtsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora