We Still Don't Know What Ruy Looks Like

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Ruy was captured in Lodestar. Why didn't the Council confiscate his addler? It makes no sense.

Am I supposed to think that the Council just lets their prisoners keep all the random gadgets they own, or is Ruy just that good at hiding random gadgets? Lumenaria had crazy security, so I imagine they would make sure the prisoners weren't smuggling inside anything, especially suspicious gadgets.

But, if Ruy's addler had been confiscated, we'd know what he looked like. But we don't. Therefore, he had it while he was imprisoned in Lumenaria.

Also, why does he care so much why no one knows what he looks like? And if Sophie and her friends are really determined to find out, why don't they just go ask Ruy's parents? (mentioned in Neverseen) They probably know what their son looks like. I hope.

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