The Obvious Reason to Hide an Ability

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As of Stellarlune, we know that Lady Gisela is both a Polyglot and a Conjurer, but she hid her conjuring ability. As I mentioned in the previous chapter, this means she had a logical reason to hide her conjuring when she was still a teenager attending Foxfire.

If you can think of any reasons she might do this, other than that she was plotting plots when she was still a teen—like Sophie Foster—please tell me your theories.

There was foreshadowing for this, like how Gisela had Keefe tested twice to see if he was a Conjurer (Neverseen), and how she managed to sneak things she needed to deliver to Sophie past Sandor's elaborate security systems (Nightfall, I think, and maybe some others).

Okay, you say, then why is this chapter titled "The Obvious Reason to Hide an Ability."

It's because of a random AU I came up with today that explains why Lady Gisela hid a second ability.

What if, instead of Lady Gisela being a Conjurer, she'd been a Pyrokinetic? As a Polyglot, she could have hidden it without being considered Talentless, and it would have been a logical reason for a teenager to hide an ability. Additionally, it would have likely made her more aware of the problems in the Lost Cities—giving her a reason to join/start (the details aren't clear to me) a rebellion.

I know this isn't true (Stellarlune), but it's an interesting AU I came up with.

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