Part 73

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" Less, talk to me" I pled 

" I-I-I haven't felt good for a few days, constantly throwing up, my-my-my boobs are tender, I am tired all the time, I've been really struggling, Issy " she cries  

" why didn't you call me" I asked 

" becau--- because you was dealing with your dad and I-I-I didn't want to bother you or add more stress" she sobs. And the feel of guilt waves over me. The thought of Alessia being here alone unwell and struggling just makes me sad. 

" Less you are my wife, if you told me I would of been on the first plane back. You are not alone in this, okay" I tell her, I kiss her forehead and put my forehead to hers.

" please don't be mad" she whispers 

" less I am not mad, I am worried" I tell her 

" well" she takes a deep breath "  I know it's early and I probably should of waited but because it's just been it's only hit the two week mark but because of the way I have been feeling this past few days I have taken some pregnancy tests" she tells me 

" wh-- what did they say?" I ask 

" I don't know, I haven't looked. They have been sat in the sink for hours, I did them and then you text saying that you was coming home so I just sat here crying, paralyzed and being to scared to look so I waited for you" she explains. I look at her confused and then I get up off the floor and then look in the sink and there are three test laying face down in the sink.  

" want to find out" I smile. Alessia smiles for the first time since being home and then nods. I grab the tests being careful not to touch the urinated sides and keeping them face down. I sit next to Alessia " ready" I ask " yeah" she says softly. I turn the three test over and read them

pregnant 2-3 weeks 

Me and Less just stare at each for a moment taking in what is going to happen. Less cups my face and kisses me with so much passion, emotion and love. She rested her forehead on mine. " I don't know about you but I'm knackered" she chuckles " I'm so tired" I chuckle " come" she smiles and stands up and helps me up. We walk into the bedroom and I see all the boxes " oh shit, forgot about those" I chuckle " yeah, if I had the energy I would of done them" she says climbing into bed " it's fine, gives me something to do" I chuckle. I climb into bed and wrap my arm around Alessia and as I fall asleep my hand automatically rests on Alessia stomach. 

Its been a few days since finding out about the pregnancy. I am currently sat on the bedroom floor unpacking the last box I have and Alessia walks in " hey, I just spoke to Doctor Richards and he wants to bring me in for a scan" she explains " already?" I asked " yeah, it's just to confirm the pregnancy and a whole bunch of other stuff" she explains " okay cool, when?" I ask " Thursday" she tells me " okay" I smile " you got more too do?" she asked sitting next to me " no, just this box and then that's everything" I smile at her. Alessia goes and cooks dinner as I finish this box. Then after dinner we spend the rest of the even doing our favourite thing which is being cuddled up on the sofa watching movies or a series on Netflix we have gotten into. 

I drive me and Alessia to the scan appointment, we couldn't really see anything in Alessia's womb as the bean was too small but they have confirmed that Alessia is pregnant and they have booked us in for another when Alessia is ten weeks.

" so when do you want to start feeling people" Alessia asked as she sits next to me on the sofa. " I think after the final scan at the tweeny-first week, just to make sure everything is okay with the baby" I answer. " I may have told Ella" she chuckles " oh really, how did she take it?" I ask with a light chuckle " she's excited to be an aunt" she laughs " I can imagine Ella being the over excited, fun aunt" I laugh " yeah me too" Alessia says as she lays down and put er head on my lap. " when do you have to tell Arsenal?" I ask " shit, I haven't thought about that" she chuckles " soon I guess, now we have actual conformation" she says " do it when your ready but isn't the season starting soon?" I ask " yeah two weeks" she says " I will do it before then" she says. " okay" I smile. 

Its been a few days, Alessia had a meeting with Jonas to tell him the news, he said he was very happy for us. Also I got an interesting phone call, Arsenal have offered me the job to manage their under 21's women team, which I gratefully accepted. 

With the season staring in a few weeks, that meant that I was back and fourth from the office sorting things out for the new season.    

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