Final Part

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It's been three years since Oliva was born and she has grown up so much, she's walking, talking and eating by herself and going yo nursery, I need my little princesa to stop growing. Oliva has my skin tone and hair but she looks like Alessia, the same big blue eyes, the same button nose, the same cheeky smile when she's up to no good and the same laugh.

"Mama...Mama. Wake up" I hear Oliva say has she pokes my faces " Morning, Princesa" I say finally opening my eyes to find her standing in front of me, smiling. " Oliva!" I hear Alessia and Oliva squeals and climbs up the bed " Mama hide, mummy's coming to get me" she giggles " what did you do?" I chuckle as she hides under the duvet. Alessia walks in " where is she" Alessia chuckles " under here" I chuckle pointing under the duvet " what did she do this time" I ask " she poured by coffee away" she says and I laugh " Oliva come out" Alessia says jumping on the bed and making Oliva laugh " come here you little monster" Alessia says getting Oliva out making her laugh. " Mama help me" Oliva laughs. Alessia gently throws Oliva on the bed making her laugh harder and sits next to me. " we need to start getting ready" Alessia states " where we going?" Oliva asked " mummy's football game" I tell her " yay, we're going to watch mummy play football" she bounces on the bed. Today is Alessia's last game as she is retiring and it's the fa cup final at Wembley against Chelsea. Alessia has to get ready and leave before us as she has to go with Arsenal. I get Oliva changed in a Arsenal kit with 23 mummy on the back. I drive to Wembley picking up Carol and Mario on the way. We park up in the family car park, Mario carries Oliva on his shoulders much to Oliva's delight, she loves going on grandpa's holders. We enter the stadium and find our seats in the family section, to my surprise Luca, Marie and Gio are here. 

They announce the teams on the big screen and Alessia's face comes up " mummy" Oliva points and smiles. Not long after the game kicks off. 

The score is 1-1 at half time and both teams go in frustrated, a snack and uncle  Gio keep Oliva entertained during the half time break. Both teams come out and continue to push to win the FA cup.

It's the 90th minute and it's still 1-1, there's been a few chances and Chelsea had a goal ruled out by VAR. Arsenal have a corner and Kyra takes it, the ball floats into the box and Alessia gets her head to it and it goes in top corner. The crow roars, they announce Alessia as the goal scorer " yay mummy" Oliva claps as she stands on Mario's lap to see. Not long after the final whistle blows and Arsenal begin to celebrate.

We watch Leah lift the FA cup and after me and Oliva head down to the pitch. I see that Alessia is doing an interview with Alex Scott so we wait by the touch line. " I want to go to mummy" Oliva complains. Kyra comes up to us and says hello and it does take long before Kyra is chasing Oliva around like the big child Kyra is. I watch as Oliva runs, screaming excitedly towards Alessia, Oliva reaches Alessia and grabs her leg and wraps her arm around her " mummy Kyra getting me" she laughs. Alessia just chuckles and picks her up. I run up to them " sorry for disturbing" I chuckle " no, Issy please join. How proud are you of Alessia" Alex asked " yeah, I mean I saw how hard she worked to get back from the pregnancy three years ago and then to watch her give Arsenal her al and still have time to be the best mum. I can't really put into words how proud I am of her" I smile " Less, how was it for you to be a mother and a football player at the same time" Alex asked " I mean it has it's ups and downs but I have a very good support system" she answers and as I watch her talk, Oliva is playing with Alessia's medal and then just ends up stealing it and puts it on herself " mummy won" she says showing Alex the medal " yeah, she did are you happy for mummy" Alexa asked Oliva " yeaaahhh" she cheers causing us to laugh. " alright, I'll get you guys go and celebrate, thanks girls" Alex smiles " bye" Oliva waves making us laugh and we go and celebrate with the team. 

We finally get home and I get in the shower as Alessia prepares Oliva for bed. I come out and the house is quiet, I go into the bedroom to change then I come into the living room to find Alessi and Oliva cuddled up on the sofa sound asleep. I watch the for a moment. they are pulling the same sleeping face with makes me smile. My heart melts as I continue to watch them. I came to Arsenal as a scared 18 year old girl and now as a 34 year old women, a mother, a wife I couldn't be happier. Thanks to Arsenal I got to meet and marry the love of my live and we have a mini-me running around causing all sorts of havoc and hopefully more in the future. I carry Oliva to bed and then I place small sofa kisses on Alessia lips. " come on, princesa let's go to bed" I say softly. " but I'm comfy" she pouts " wait, where's Oliva" she sits up looking around " in bed" I chuckle " well in that case" she says and pulls me on top of her and connects our lips " what's gotten into you" I chuckle "not you, obviously" she claps back "ma'am, you are a mother" I chuckle " my daughter is safely sleeping in her room, so right now, I just want to be a wife" she says into my lips " I think I could work with that" I say deepening the kiss.

We are laying in bed and Alessia is cuddled up on my chest " I love you, Alessia" I tell her  I love you to, Isabella" she mumbles as she's close to falling asleep, I settle down more and hold her tightly.     

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