Part 76

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Alessia is now eight months and we are preparing everything for when the baby finally comes and Alessia belly looks like it's about to explode if I poke it. 

I am sitting on the sofa scrolling through my phone, Alessia slumps next to me " ugh, my feet are killing me" she complains. " give them here" I ask patting my leg, Alessia stretches out and places her feet on my lap and I start rubbing her feet " ahh, that's better than sex" she says sinking more into the sofa " wow" I laugh " don't worry it's a compliment" she chuckles " is it?" I laugh " yeah" she chuckles " good, I hate feet" I chuckle " I know" she says and then moves her foot close to my face and wiggles her toes " ewww, don't" I say pushing her foot away making her laugh. " you had to ruin it, I was trying to be a nice, good wife and you ruined it" I chuckle " aww, I'm sorry" she laughs. I move so I am in between legs with my hands and chin gently rest on her bump. " I can't wait to meet you, you need to hurry up now, princesa" I say into Alessia stomach. I feel our little girl wiggle and kick " I think she's excited to me her mama too" she says sweetly. I place a gentle kiss on her stomach and then I lean up and place a soft, tender kiss on Alessia's lips. 

I clean up the kitchen after dinner and the I walk into the bedroom to pack to get my work stuff ready for the morning as I have an away game against Manchester united. I walk in to find Alessia standing in front of the mirror looking at herself. " you good?" I ask as I sit on the edge of the bed. " I just feel so bloated, fat and ugly" she says " Less you're not fat and ugly" I chuckle " then why haven't you touched me in months, you don't find me attractive anymore?" she asked with tearful eyes and that's when I knew she was being serious. I sigh and I walk up to her and put my hand softly on her cheek "  Less, I think you are the most pulchritudinous women I have ever seen, seeing you carrying my daughter, I have never found you more attractive, well apart from seeing you in your wedding dress" I smile at her. " the reason I have touched you in months is because I see how this pregnancy has, how she had made you feel. She has made you feel uncomfortable you ache all the time, you don't need me to come on to you as well, you need me to rub your feet, to massage your back, to make you food. Trust me Less it's been hard to not touch you but I thought it would be the right thing not to" I explain. Alessia doesn't say anything, she just burst into tears. I hold her as she just cries into my shoulder " I won't go tonight, my assistant can take charge" I say " no, you have to go, your teams needs you" she says finally looking up at me " you need me" I say " no, I'm fine I'm just getting all emotional. I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over" she chuckles lightly " just a few more weeks" I say kissing her forehead. " go, I'm fine" she smiles. 

The away day didn't go to plan as we lost 2-0 which puts our title charge on hold as Manchester city won their game and now we are level on points. 

I get home and I open the door "  oh fuck" I hear Alessia grunt " Less?" I shout out " Issy? I'm... aahhhh. I'm in here" I hear her shout and it sounds like she's in pain. My heart drops as I run into the bedroom to find her bend over the bed and a massive wet patch in her shorts and on the floor " Less, what's happened" I ask as I rush to her side " my.. waters broke" she says shakily " you not due for another two weeks" I say more thinking out loud" you don't think I know that?" she snaps and grunts in pain " alright, I'll call the midwife and we have to go to the hospital" I say again more thinking out loud and Alessia just nods. I go and call then midwife and she said she'll get the delivery room ready then I go back into the bedroom to find Alessia ready dressed and ready " you okay?" I ask " yeah, just want to get this over with" she huffs. After another get of contractions we leave of the hospital.

After a few hours of waiting Alessia is now in full blown labour. I'm standing beside her doing what ever I can to help her. " you got this baby, just keep breathing" I try to encourage her. Alessia pushes and she squeezes my hand and I think my fingertips are about to explode. Alessia lets out one big scream and a mighty push and then we hear a tiny cry fill the room and I look at Alessia and smile " you did it, I'm so proud of you" I tell her and kiss her sweaty forehead. 

After a few hours the doctor did all the necessary checks on Alessia and the baby. I am sit on the chair scrolling through my phone replying to messages from mine and Alessia families as Alessia and the baby sleep and then I hear a tiny cry, I go over to the little baby coat and and pick my daughter " I got you, princesa" I tell her and I take her over the to the chair. I give her a bottle, I put her on my chest to wind her. I hold her and rock her to try and get her back to sleep and as I do I hear what sounded like a picture being taken, I look to see Alessia who is now sat up smiling at me " hey" I smile " hey" she smiles " how you feeling?" I ask " yeah, alright" she says. " we can go home soon" I tell her " good, I need a decent shower and my own bed" she chuckles. I sit on the edge of the bed " we need to decide on the name" I chuckle " we do" Alessia chuckles " I've been thinking" Alessia says as she holds our daughter " that's dangerous" I joke and she rolls her eyes " what about Oliva?" she smiles " Oliva... I like it" I smile down at our daughter peacefully sleeping. 

A few hours later we have finally left the hospital, I scroll through my phone whilst Alessia showers and Oliva sleeps and I see Alessia as tagged me in a post and it's two pictures, one is me sitting in the chair with Oliva and one was us walking out of the hospital and me carrying Oliva in the car seat.  The caption is announcing Oliva to the world and how thankful for me she is in a heartfelt post. Alessia finally comes out of the shower, She climbs into bed and cuddles up to me " I'm so tired" she moans " go to sleep then" I chuckle. Not long after she falls asleep and I close my eyes feeling happy and full that my family is now complete.  

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