The Bright Heist

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Agumon:(nodding) Hm... hm-hm.

Popping out from the desk the professor calls out to Lemon.

Agumon: Leomon! I figured out the mechanism!

Agumon: You see... This whole building is able to reassemble itself to change its needs.

Agumon: The modular personality of the structure is really quite astonishing if you think about it-


Agumon: Gya! Right, right. Get to the point, forgive me...

Turning around the professor discovers Ryan and Levy.

Levy: Hi.

Agumon: Greeting young lady. Do you mind if I pull that lever right over there?

Levy: I do. Please don't cause trouble or we will stop you.

Agumon: Young lady. As a human with a digital partner you should realize that you hold no chance in battle against me.


Agumon: I'll have you know, though I have chosen a path of academics. I'm no slouch when it comes to strength.

Agumon:(mumbles) Perhaps I may not be skilled with the blade like my brother...

Agumon: I am quite proficient in martial arts! Perhaps you've heard of... Kung-mon Fu... Ka-rot-te... Hippity-hop-akito.

Agumon: And of course...(Fighting stance)... Hyokumon ninjutsu!

Levy: Uppsy-daisy!

Agumon: Gya! Put me down young lady! Do not make me break the code of chivalry!

Levy: Just calm down.




Pulling out his lecture stick, Agumon wacked Levy's thigh. Dropping him, the professor quickly flicked the lever under the desk.

The whole building rumbled as rooms shifted until there was now a hole in the middle of the room, leading straight down to the basement.



Levy/Ryan: Ack!?

Agumon: Back! Back I say, you very rude children!

Leomon: I see now...

Grabbing both his adversaries, Leomon tackles them both into the hole to the basement.

Agumon: Hm? Where did Leomon go-


Wabbling to the hole, the professor looked down for any signs but it quickly became to dark to see the bottom.

Agumon:...(Sigh)... Note to self, give battle lecture.

Jumping into the hole, Agumon used his coat as a parachute to gently to the bottom.

(Opening theme)

Sunmon: This is soooo unfair! I could SO kick your butt if you didn't have that stupid ability!


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