011 | girls night

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song of the chapter: Pain - PinkPantheress

song of the chapter: Pain - PinkPantheress

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Charlotte's POV

It's been 46 hours since Amy left her room, I would know because each hour I went in to check on her. 46 times I've asked if she was okay, brought her food and water, offered her hugs and words of reassurance.

All that Amy responded to was the water. At least she was drinking.

The bags under her eyes only grew heavier, the suitcases bottling up her repressed thoughts and feelings, all about what happened when her and Eli left the pub, succumbing to the gloominess. She hadn't slept the entire time, causing me to practically do the same.

She hasn't been this bad since she hopped on a plane to Dublin and turned up at my flat door as I was moving my stuff in, with her red, puffy eyes staring despondently at mine, begging for some sort of respite after finishing things with him.

Ryan had been calling me and checking in on Amy, not on Eli's behalf but for Eli's sake. It seems that whatever went on between the two of them was clearly affecting them in similar ways.

But whilst Amy drank water, Eli drank alcohol.

Ryan's messages had become increasingly frequent, all expressing concern for his best friend. He explained that whenever Eli had gone through something serious, in the past this being deaths, rejections, even a breakup, he turned to drinking. The lads hated seeing Eli in this state as much as I hated seeing Amy so forlorn and lost.

Ryan suggested the band go to a friend's party, someone they knew through Riley. At least then, Eli's re-discovered habit would be marginally acceptable. Ella suggested we take Amy on a girls night out to try and distract her from whatever happened and focus on just us three, something we haven't had much time to do since moving here. We had planned to take her to her favourite garden centre first, picking out her favourite orchids and taking in the last of the breezy but bright November weather, and later going for a drink. She rarely refused an invitation to get pissed too, it's just that she might need some persuasion this time.

I knock softly on her door, opening it up to see her sat at the end of the bed, this being the first time she had moved in the past two days.

"Hey Aims," I give her a warm smile as I sit next to her and hold her hand, "Ella's booked a table for us at the Slug and Lettuce for 8 but I thought it'd be nice to pop to the garden centre first and pick up some of your favourite flowers. How does that sound?"

She sighs.

"It'll be good to get out of the house, Aims," I say gently, tucking her hair behind her ear, something I know that always calmed her down. "We won't ask any questions, we're purely there to distract you and just catch up. It's been a while since it's been just us girls."

She smiles, "That does sound nice," looking up to me, "I've really missed you guys."

"And we've missed you too. Now let's go get ready, hey?" I smiled reassuringly.

 Now let's go get ready, hey?" I smiled reassuringly

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amy's POV

I sit on my desk once Lott leaves and look into the mirror now in front of me.

God I look awful.

My eyes were swollen, cheeks rosy, and the makeup from two night ago was still clinging to my eyelashes and cheeks.

I decide on a subtle makeup look, using just concealer to hide the blotches of red on my face and finally taking off the seemingly caked on mascara only to replace it again.

Outfit wise, I choose a black slip on dress but cover it up with a trench coat as it would be too cold in the garden centre to not wear some kind of jacket. I wear my docs to match and slick my greasy hair back, finishing it with a bow.

Satisfied with my makeover, I make my way out of my bedroom for the first time in a while and Ell and Lott grab hold of either of my arms and we walk out of the flat, into town, arm in arm.

After getting my special treat, we head to the Slug and begin drowning mainly my sorrows away in cocktails. I know I've been so upset and to tell the truth I still am now; I can't get him out of my mind. But not putting someone through me again, and not constantly checking if I look nice and am acting in a desirable way was nice and refreshing.

Maybe this was the right decision.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:if I look back on these in the summer and wonder why I didn't do as well on my exams as I was predicted, I know it's because this was my form of procrastination, whoopsies x

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if I look back on these in the summer and wonder why I didn't do as well on my exams as I was predicted, I know it's because this was my form of procrastination, whoopsies x

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