014 | fuck you

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song of the chapter: the 1 - Taylor Swift

song of the chapter: the 1 - Taylor Swift

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eli's POV


I pull away from Riley's touch, the guilt of what I just did hitting me like a tonne of bricks.


"I-I I have to go." I speak at Riley, but I don't make eye contact with her.


I leap off the sofa and run to Ryan, his stare like daggers.

"Do you think she saw?" I ask breathlessly.

Ella hits my arm, "What do you think, dickhead?"


"Oh God I- I don't even know why I did that..." I say raising a hand to my forehead, rubbing my eyes in frustration.

"What are you still doing here?" Rob shouts, "Go get her you fucking eejit!" He says pushing me towards the door.

I look back to see my best friends all shaking their heads at me, disappointed.

What have I done?

What have I done?

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amy's POV

My trembling hands fumble around my bag as I try to find my lighter. I let out a heavy sigh when I finally find it. My thumb slips against the wheel, failing to light my cigarette.

"For fuck's sake!" I let out.

"Need a hand?" A familiar voice crashes into my ears, making the hairs on my neck stand on edge.

Why the fuck is he here? I can't believe he has the audacity to even speak to me after what he's just done.

I turn around and am met with a small, yellow flame. Refusing to make eye contact with him, I allow him to light the cigarette resting between my lips.

i want you | elijah hewsonWhere stories live. Discover now