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song of the chapter: Daylight - Taylor Swift

song of the chapter: Daylight - Taylor Swift

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amy's POV

After the group had our board game night at Rob and Ella's new place, Eli and I sat down that night and talked about moving in. We decided that he'd move in his stuff before the tour began, our last thing to do together before months of separation.

Charlotte's things are still in her room, her deciding to move out with Ryan after the tour was over. Neither of us were ready to not live together, so we made the most of these past few months. Charlotte had been a great source of support for me whilst the lads had been away, and likewise for her; we were both missing our other halfs and mourning the lack of nights out and in with the group. We had worked out that the next time we'd all be together would be in the summer, when festival season started back up again.

Charlotte had decided to use the time to work on some new songs, her manager wanting her to release at least one single by the summer, as to entice her fans to come to the festivals she'd be playing at. Ella, on the other hand, had publicly announced a step-back from music for a while, her choosing to focus on her new home but also herself instead, having neglected her mental and physical health to power through the many shows she had booked in over the last couple of years. She had developed the nasty habit of drinking to get her through the gigs she did for the boys as well as the bars and pubs they'd go to after most of the shows. Her small, English frame made it a big struggle to keep up with the Irish men.

She had confided in me one day, when I went round to help paint her bedroom, about her struggles on tour and I politely suggested if she had consider reducing her alcohol intake on nights out. She replied to me saying she wanted to cut it out completely, the music too.

It came as a shock to me; Ella had been the one to get Charlotte into making music and me listening to it. Her Dad used to be in a marginally successful band in the '80s and had taught her everything she shared with us and her fans. You could always find her in her room, strumming her acoustic guitar and humming the words of a new song she was testing out, or in the music rooms at school, making use of their equipment. But as ever, I respected her choice and helped fill the guitar-shaped void in her life with her new renovation project.

 But as ever, I respected her choice and helped fill the guitar-shaped void in her life with her new renovation project

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