Secret Relationship (Professor Blaise Zabini x Student Y/N)

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You were walking around the hallways, scrolling on your phone as you walked to your next class. All of a sudden, you bump into a large, muscular frame, which sends you stumbling back slightly.

You look up at the figure, being me with the eyes of Cormac McLaggen. You huff and roll your eyes, trying to walk past him swiftly. However, he grabs your wrist and pulls you back.

"Why in such a rush, Y/N? You don't want to see me?" He teased, pulling you back in front of him.

You cross your arms and look up at him, shaking your head. "No, I don't want to fucking see you. Does your ego really make you think that every girl wants to see you?" You snap back defensively, your eyebrows furrowed.

Cormac snatches your arm up roughly, pulling you into him. He leans down to your ear, whispering to you. "Watch your mouth. You don't want any trouble, do you, pretty baby?" He'd say threatenly.

You bite the inside of your cheek, taking a deep breath. You open your mouth to speak, but before you can, a deep, husky voice is heard from behind Cormac.

"Mr. McLaggen, I suggest you remove your hands from Ms. Y/N's arm, or I shall have to remove house points."

You and Cormac look back, seeing your professor Mr. Zabini towering over him. His arms are crossed over his chest, his rolled up sleeves showing his veins protruding against his dark caramel skin.

He was wearing his usual uniform; black trousers, a white button up shirt, a Slytherin tie hanging low around his neck, and shiny black dress shoes.

Cormac looked up at Mr. Zabini's face, noticing his serious expression. Cormac cleared his throat and let go of your arm forcefully, taking a step back.

"My apologies, Professor." Cormac mumbled. Mr. Zabini nodded his head, dismissing Cormac with a wave of his hand.

Cormac glared at you as he walked away, causing you to roll your eyes in response. Mr. Zabini looks down at you, his face visibly softening.

"Are you alright, Ms. Y/N?" He asked, his eyes scanning your body. "Yes, sir. I'm alright," You said calmly, nodding your head with a smile. Mr. Zabini nodded his head, giving you a slight smile in response. "Come, let me walk you to class."

You nod your head politely, putting your phone in the pocket of your robes as you start walking next to him. As you two walked to class, it was dead silent. No conversation started up, and that's how it was going to stay. No form of interaction happened between you two, besides for the occasional (and totally not on purpose) shoulder brushes.

You two got to his classroom, which was already filling with students. You sat in your seat at the front of the class, pulling your phone out and placing it face down on your thighs.

After students settled into the classroom, Mr. Zabini started his lesson. Every student had settled into their seats, and now they just needed to settled down and shut up.

You look around the room, your eyes glancing across every student before they land at the front of the room, locking your eyes on Mr. Zabini's figure.

"Alright, shut up, everyone." He said sternly, tapping his wand against the desk. It took a few seconds but eventually the class settled down and got quiet, letting Mr. Zabini start his class.

Throughout the class, you kept getting text messages from a friend of yours, making you smile and giggle softly during the lesson. Mr. Zabini took notice, biting the inside of his cheek roughly as he taught.

"Class dismissed." Mr. Zabini said once the bell rang, sitting down at his desk. You stood up, ready to leave the class room, only to hear Mr. Zabini call your name.

"Ms. Y/N, stay back, won't you?" He said roughly, his voice slightly hoarse. You stopped in your tracks, waiting for the students to file out of the classroom before shutting the door and walking over to his desk.

"Yes, Professor?" You'd ask calmly, trying to discretely put your phone in the pocket of your robes once again. Mr. Zabini stood up from his chair, walking around to the front of his desk.

He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush against his as he nuzzled his face into the soft skin of your neck. You smiled and put your hands on his chest, gently gripping his shirt.

"Someone's missed me," You said teasingly, rubbing your hands up and down his chest gently. Blaise grumbled lowly into your neck, squeezing the sides of your waist gently.

"How could I not? Having to force myself away from you every time I see you in the hallway is torture. Especially seeing you talk to other boys," He grumbled into your skin, nipping your neck lightly.

You smile and roll your eyes, kissing the top of his head gently. "I'm sure it's a huge struggle for you, " You say sarcastically. Blaise slides his hands down your waist and around your back, gripping your ass gently through your skirt.

"Don't give me attitude today, Y/N. I saw you giggling at your phone all class. " He'd say roughly, squeezing your ass harshly.

"So that's what this sudden affection is? Jealousy?" You say teasingly, sliding your hands up his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Not jealousy, " He'd grumble into your neck, kissing your skin softly, sucking occasionally to leave a few hickies on your neck. "It's me reminding you that you're mine, "

You hum and nod your head, looking down at him. "Is that so?" Blaise stands up, now towering over you once more at his full height. He looks down at you, one of his hands running up the curvature of your waist as the other stays on your ass.

"It is," He'd respond as calmly as possible. You smiled and gently scratch the back of his neck, causing him to close his eyes. He'd tilt his head back and let out a low groan, biting the inside of his cheek.

Blaise moved his hand from your waist to your chin, bringing his head down as he tilted yours up, his lips locking against yours in a heated kiss.

You kiss back, your nails gently digging into the skin of his neck. He'd pull away after a moment, looking down at you with low-lidded eyes.

"Get your pretty ass to class," He'd say roughly, biting your lower lip gently. You'd smile and nod your head, leaning up to kiss his nose softly. "I'll see you later?" You ask as you pull away from him.

Blaise nodded his head and smacked your ass gently, still causing it to jiggle. "You bet you will, babydoll." He'd say as he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back against his desk.

You blow him as kiss as you walk away, leaving his classroom, knowing you're going to have to make up an excuse to your friends about the sudden hickies.

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