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(author: this is gonna be a long one)



The first thing I noticed was the strange smell.

I was not in my bed.

Opening my eyes I gasped then sat up looking around the large white and blue bedchamber. "What the..? Where the hell am I?"

My head was hurting a bit when I remembered bits and pieces of what happened in the gardens. I remembered what they told me about what Sesshomaru did.

I clutched the fabric tightly right where my heart is. Yes...I was hurt and yes I was pissed…but…..

"I still love him" I whispered to myself sadly.

Despite everything that he did....I gave my heart to my older brother and I didn't stand a chance in hell even if I wanted to get it back. What he should have done is have more faith in me.

It wasn't that I was angry at the fact that he totally disregarded the council and their wishes…..it was that he didn't have enough faith in my love. He could have told me and while yes…I would have been pissed at first but I loved him enough to forgive him. Just like I knew I was going to forgive him again.

There was a soft knock on the door making me tense when it opened to allow the kind elder demon in followed by Sesshomaru's mother.

I eyed them suspiciously, not trusting them since I also remembered that I was taken against my will, and I didn't trust Sessh's mother.

"Relax child" she said smirking "I am not here to kill you…unfortunately I am not permitted" she said sourly looking at the elder next to her.

"Of course you are not permitted; it is not her fault that Sesshomaru's father did not mate you" he retorted back at her.

"No…it's the fault of that little half demons' mother!"

"For the last time! she is not to blame for the actions of others!"

I raised my eyebrow at the two strange demons, oh geez, I just want to go home.

"Ah…"I said "Is there a reason why I'm here?"

They stopped glowering at each other to turn and look at me, I gave them a small wave "Yeah...hi...remember me? The demon you kidnapped?" I said pointing to myself.

The elder chucked at me "You have fire in you little one; it is no wonder why your brother wanted to covet you for himself"

I frowned at him in confusion "I think there is a misunderstanding" I said putting my hands on my hips "First of all…I never saw him as my brother, he will always be an icy bastard in my eyes. Second….it's not like I didn't know what he wanted from me; he courted me and slowly weaseled his way into my heart. Which brings me to number three" I said softly as I caressed my swollen stomach where our pup lay growing "I love him" I whispered then looked at their shocked faces.

The elder cleared his throat "Be that as it may, he still acted dishonorably and perhaps if you had been courted by others, it would have allowed you to develop affections for someone else"

The One Destined For Me(InuSessh) Where stories live. Discover now