04. Regression of Time

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I went through the aisles of the library one by one still not finding the man, going through the last aisle an eerie feeling washed over me. Slowly I got to the end, standing still, I still couldn't shake that feeling.

"Ow!" a book from the top shelf just so happened to land smack onto my forehead, heads of the students around me turned towards the sound of the loud yelp I had let out.

My bad...

"What are the odds that I get an eerie feeling and then a book hits me, I must got spider senses" I quietly laughed at myself, bending down I reached towards the book that hit me. Picking up the book my hand grazed over the gold lettering of the book "Regression of Time" I read aloud as I brushed off the dust that collected on the book "Hmm, interesting.." turning the book over to see the synopsis I was met with a blank back.

Strange I thought to myself. I opened the book and flipped through the pages, a sinking feeling in my stomach started to churn.

The pages are blank... How strange.. For some reason in my gut, I felt like this book was meant to be mine, meant to be interpreted in some way though there was very little to interpret. Carrying the book with me I made my way through the library still seeking the man from earlier.


I guess he's not here anymore. I searched the whole library, I searched all four floors and he was nowhere to be found just as if he vanished into thin air. Disappointment was an understatement to how I was feeling, maybe I was truly crazy and all of this was just in my head and he didn't exist.

I must have looked crazy to Taehyung, chasing after someone who wasn't actually there. I sighed, making my to the library checkout. Setting the book down on the desk the librarian grabbed the book and started looking for the barcode. "There's no barcode on this, where did you get this from?"

"I got it from the top shelf in the last aisle over there" I said as I pointed in the direction of where the book had fallen on me. There was a loud silence as she typed something into her computer "I looked the book up in the system, It doesn't seem to belong to this library. It most likely belongs to a student, I'll just put it in the lost and found" the librarian said as she turned around to put the book into the basket that said 'lost and found' "Wait!" I cut her off before she could put it in the basket "Can't I just take it? It was really dusty when I grabbed it, I don't think anyone is looking for it" I nervously say hoping that she would let me have the strange book that I have no reason for wanting. "I don't see why not" She handed me the book "Thanks!" taking the book, I made my way out of the library.

Looking down at the book I still got an eerie feeling that I couldn't shake, there's something about this book that doesn't seem right. There's no reason for me to want this book, but for some strange reason, it feels like a calling of some kind. I thought to myself. I finally made my way to my car and started my way home.


"Today was draining" Kicking off my shoes and putting down my school bag, book still in hand I made my way into my apartment. I sat down on the couch, my eyes scan over the book's gold lettering once again, the color almost blinding. I decided to open the book.

As I look at the blank page, subtle black ink starts to appear. "What the hell.." I whisper to myself, my chest tightening as an anxiousness starts to consume my mind, the words becoming more prevalent as time goes by. 2 minutes.. 10 minutes, 30... the time just slipped my mind as my eyes were still glued to the page. A numbing pain in my head suddenly started to form, I put the book down on the table in front of me, eyes closed I held my head in pain. As time went by the pain started to subsided a bit. My curious eyes opened looking at the coffee table where I placed the book.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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