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Draco Malfoy

I close the door behind me, and walk away, my mind racing, thoughts flooding in and out.

Was she truly angry at me, or was she just hurt?

I stop mid-way, I can hear her sobbing from behind the closed door, my feet stops in their tracks, I feel myself wavering. I feel like I can't breathe as I stumbled into the living room.

Did I break her heart even more, was it really the right decision.

I had to

I rub a hand on my chest, as I felt it tightening.

We can't be together.

Thoughts are racing through my mind, my breathing is rapid, anxiety is setting in as this is not the kind of pain I'm used to feeling about her.

It would put her in danger.

She will be safe away from me

My body is trembling under the weight of what I had just done.

The reality of life really hits you when you want to be with someone so bad, you have to let go of the very person you want to keep close the most.

"whatever the hell is happening to you" I hear Nicolas' voice as I stepped outside the cabin, he's smoking.

"Why do you care?" I respond, trying to hide how much the pain of letting her go was affecting my voice.

He puts the cigarette down, “nothing,” he replies, as he crosses his arms, “I’m just making sure you’re okay, that you didn’t go all soft for some reason”

“Soft?” I snarl, my voice still shaky, I felt his comment hit the open wound in my heart,"it's called having feelings. Something you clearly won't know"

He rolls his eyes taking a puff from his cigarette "So dramatic" he mutters

I don't know what came over me, I felt like I was being pushed to the edge, "at least I don't go about killing innocent people you heartless monster!" I yell, a yell I've been holding back for years.

He chuckled "Did you forget you're a death eater too? That you too killed people?"

"But it's different with you, you have no regrets, you have no feelings!" I yell, the anger I've felt simmering below coming out into words.

"I did what I had to, you kill or get killed" he shrugged

"Is that how you justify it to yourself?" I yell, "how you convince yourself that you're not a monster who deserves to be punished?"

He took another deep puff of his cigarette, "I don't try to justify it to anyone, least of all myself. I don't want to justify what I've done, I've made peace with what I do, now it's your turn."

I stare at him for a moment, my mind flooded with all kinds of words, all kinds of comebacks I wanted to say, but my brain just won't form the words I want to say.

I stay quiet.

"Just keep your psychotic thoughts away from her, I want her safe here! if you're my brother you'll do atleast this for me, for once in your life" I snapped

His jaws clenches as he heard my words "Fine..." He says taking another puff, he doesn't seem like he's going to say more.

"I'm serious Nic, you'll come here once a week check on her and if something happens to her I won't forgive you," *or myself*

he rolls his eyes and sighs "Yes, yes I'll check, I'll even be nice if you want" he replies sarcastically, there's no point in arguing with him.

"Just don't tell her anything, and don't stay longer than 10 minutes, if you don't have to" I paused "once everything is settled outside we'll take her to others"

Malfoy | A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction 18+Where stories live. Discover now