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Athena Jones

He left again. I shouldn't even be surprised. I knew he was going to leave again, so why does it hurt this much again? I hate it here.

I could have told him I was learning to control my choas Magic that maybe I could learn to protect myself he doesn't have to do it for me, but would that change anything? He would have left again. And again.

And now I'm layed on the kitchen floor crying again over him and over a lot of stuff, I have no idea what to do when I'm alone again.

For some reason, the tears only hurt more as time passes, my heart felt like it’s been ripped out of my chest. Just remembering the way he had looked down at me, it feels like a thousand daggers.

I stare at our bracelet which has become a useless accessory now. He doesn't even bother to wear his.

“I hate you,” I whisper to it.

"I hate you" I repeat again, louder this time.

“I hate you. I don't need you, I don't need anyone,” I say through gritted teeth and clenching the empty bracelet with all the pain and anger I feel.

This is worse than the void I fall into everytime I sleep. I don't know how long I laid there crying until my eyes started to feel heavy.

After I don't know how long, I feel myself slipping into sleep. I close my eyes and give into the sleep as my body relaxes in the deep, dark void that is all I have to look forward to when I'm alone and asleep.

Suddenly I'm falling trying to grasp onto something but I kept falling.

The darkness around me starts to shift as I'm falling. slowly the blackness around me begins to shift and shape around me.

It turns into a dark, hazy room. And finally, I reach the bottom.

I look around, trying to make sense of it. The walls are dark and foggy and the floor is slick, almost slippery.

It's dark, too dark for me to even know where I am. And the floor is slick and slippery, like oil.

I take a step forward and my foot slips, i fall on my arse, the oily floor feels greasy and gross.

I'm alone. So fucking alone. It's void. I'm back in the void again.

I scream. I scream and yell into the darkness. I feel my voice echo around me. I scream until my voice feels like it was being ripped out of me.

The void remains quiet, it feels like I'm being mocked by my scream as it echoes around me only to be thrown back at me.

I scream until I can't anymore, my throat hurts and feels like it's on fire.

And then I hear a noise. It's faint, just a whisper of a whisper.

I lean into the whisper only to realize I can't reach it. The whisper only moves with me, like a carrot on a stick, dangling but never in reach.

I follow the whisper, not wanting to feel like I'm trapped with the void again. I'd rather follow the whisper than feel that pain again, the fear.

I follow the whisper through the dark room, my body moving on its own, I could've stopped myself many times, but I didn't want to stop. I wanted to finally be free from this horrible loneliness that has followed me all along.

Then suddenly it's like I was being pulled and pulled and pulled untill I'm gasping for air, my eyes shot open, sweat running down my forehead, I'm sitting on the kitchen floor I looked to my side my hands clutching onto the sleeves of Nicolas' robes, he's crouched down next to me.

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