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If the invisible red string is true, 

I hope you're on the other end.

That during the times we are not together,

I will always pray for you.

That during the times I can't hold your hand,

I'll wish you're being held safe.

That during the times I can't hug you,

I'll hope someone's hugging you tight.

I'll pray for your safety, your health, and success.

I'll always wish you all the best.

I'll pray for your family and friends,

That they may guide you 'til the end.

Your existence gave me hope,

That someone can love me and give me home.

It's such a regret to have met you at the wrong time.

But I'll always pray that when the time is right,

God will give me nothing but you as I fight.

I hope you reach your goals even without me

Even if I want to be part of the rest of your life,

I'll always wish you the best all through your journey.


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