Chapter 47 Working proofs to be dificult

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I got to Asura and immediately had 2 thoughts; 

1 Ask Ariel to help me find wedding rings

2 Get my company even bigger

As such, i got to Luke

"So, i hear my paper money is now the primary way of payment, and the bank's are also working quite well"

"It is as you say, we just need your help to make some more banks and to start the company you envisioned"

I later also had another idea for a company that looked alike or even was the Dutch East India Company. Or as it was called in dutch; "Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie" or for short; Voc. But i decided i was going to use that for my own country.

"Right... then i think you already have location's in mind? I don't mind moving to them already. I want to be done as fast as possible so i can get maried soon."

"Ah, yeah i guess you are huh?"

"Yeah, part of why i am here is also to ask Ariel for advice on rings"

"Then let us aid you after you are done"

with that, over the span of a month i made 2 extra banks (With money) and a building based of off the trading center in Amsterdam. It proofed to be more energy taking then i thought however so i had too sign mountains of paper's, Design an advertisement paper for the company and time was tiking! Companie's were already signing up to go there and i needed to plan all of the date's in wich they can go to my trade center! The only person who was actively helping was Sylph, Amber and Luna. The rest was either training or helping in home. I cooked, but the rest was, surprisingly, mainly done by Tris and Jueles. They were of great help and one day, after a busy shift, 10 days before opening i just broke down and asked Sylph, Amber and Luna to escape and get some food and ice cream. Going out was a rare occurence as is but being with just the 3 of us might even be rarer. Ofcourse i plan to take all my girls out more when i am more free, but that wasn't the case for me now. I left and it wasn't that big of a deal really. We bought some food and ice cream but there wasn't more to it then that. Just a small break but seeing the happy faces of my girls made the break even more worth it. After we got to the outskirts of the city and i did the same as i did first using circle magic. I made 3 hammocks and 3 Mcdonnalds type ice-coffees. Ofcourse caramel type. Everyone chilled and i asked

"Hey... Don't you guys think i am a bad husband... I never really make time for us all and am constantly busy..."

"Y-yeah! Sometime's... but that is all for our sake later. Everybody agrees with that much"

Amber said

"W-well i don't think your bad at all. I am sure you could be satisfied with smaller things but i don't mind at all"

Sylph said and Luna nodded at both of the answers

"Hey, serious question. What if i just help Ariel making this place "My ideal" Kingdom"

"M-marying Ariel?"

Amber said nervously

"Nah, Luke already likes her. I'm sure. I meant assisting Ariel with making this place the best and not getting my own kingdom"

"W-well, it surely would be good but wasn't your own kingdom your dream?"

Sylph asked

"Well yeah, but i could never find time for all of you if i did"

"I think that that might just be a better idea. But we could never fully stop crime and unhapiness from happening"

Luna claimed

"We could if we teached children to be stronger"

"But then some children would be able to spread even more crime"

"Your right... I guess my dream was pretty naïve."

"N-not at all!"

Sylph said

"Then let's change it up! I will try to make you guys the hapiest! That's my dream! That's what i want to do!"

"I guess it's good but how could you make us all happy, i mean we are 11 women"

Luna claimed

"That's what i want to do! If even a single one of you is sad, my goal is shatered."

"And what of our family... All of us want to have children with you... but we can't possibly"

"No, your right. If i get children with all of you atleast some would be unhappy. But i guess we will just grant them free will"

"F-free will?"

"If they want to get out of house that's fine. If they want to stay in house for years on end that's fine. The only thing we won't permit is unhapinness!"

"Your really stupid huh?"

Amber said

"So stupid. But that's just how you like me is it not?"


with that we spent the days more until 10 days later where the big opening was! 

"It's been an amazing journey, wich wasn't only mine. You guys made this happen too! I hope that many of you will have great idea's for companie's and that many of you all will be happy gaining some friends and money on the way. It was a journey i don't have to thank mainly to myself. I had great help from all of my soon to be wife's. They were all helping either keeping the house clean for a good environment to work in, keeping enemie's away or helping me in my path to help more people. That's why i want to officially cut this thread of opening and a new start with you guys. Come up here!"


they all shouted and then we cut the thread with eachother.

"With this, The Asura trading center is officially open!"

then we all spent time in the trading center. It was already opened so some meetings were already held, but in the center were people could also eat and relax after investing or being invested in there was a small party kept. All food was, for today only, free. So many could join and, who knows, maybe invest! I also had job aplication's in form for secretary's who could plan in spots for where companie's could come in. And also check if they have good idea's. This would grow Asura to new heights being a hub for new companie's and intelectual growth. With that in mind i slept that day. Beautifully with hapiness overflowing

"I did it"

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