Chapter 65 End of beginning

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This year would close my 2nd school years. I don't know how you say it in american but i was going to high school! Not with a buss though... like i had wished. Our money had 10 folded up until now. It wasn't time yet though... 40 folding was not yet there so i wouldn't sell. And so i arrived to the place i met tess. Not this year though! Or atleast it shouldn't be this year... to be very honest, i am very curious to what Atofe looks like! She should be here somewhere... or actually let me redo that. She probably isn't. She is probable as we call it in the netherlands, "Vmbo" wich mainly focuses on practical work... or maybe she did pass school! But together with Eris she probably didn't. But why am i even thinking that they are in the Netherlands at all? Maybe they are in Japan or Korea! I hope not... atleast Tess isn't. She should try searching me here. Pieter was there on the introduction day anyway. 

"Yo, do you want to become friends?"


This group was weird. Always was. But not as weird as what happened after introduction day. In the midst of our "Tour" a gate oppened. Blue and shiny. Now i knew... this was the world of my Solo Leveling dreams! 

"Holy crap, what is that!"

Pieter asked.



"N-never mind"

But after a few moments, some people went in.

"Dude! You can go in!"

Since most of our friends went in, Pieter went to.


But he was already gone. Rip. No wait! I can still convince them to leave! I went in too. I had built my body nicely already. I could handle some goblins but not more. Then a quest bar oppened. It said;

"First entry of gate; small mana amount has been granted"

Yes sir! I felt mana come within. Enough to do intermediate. It would have to do. I saw a goblin. And 4 dead bodies. I couldn't just let these kids see me using some magic so i hit them all in the pressure points needed to knock them out. I got attacked while doing it but just hit them with a small pebble. It had some speed but not much. Still killed the goblin though.

"First kill made; one of the demon eyes granted"

So that's how it works huh? Well i did get a usefull one. Qin eye. "Flow" eye. Whatever you call it. But it could see the "crux" of one's balance. It was different from pressure points but in midst of combat, almost as usefull. I hit them hard but i couldn't go on. This was beyond me. I killed all the goblins before me but then took all the kids i had paralyzed and walked out. 

"Save... these... kids"

I had rapidly hit myself in a pressure point as to also paralyze myself. I awoke with all my arms atached and no other weird occurences. Just a little tired. I hadn't used all my mana at all though i felt so weak... what was this? No i am just not used to actually trying for a fight. Though i did have that curse, but i broke it in my live with Tess. It was useless anyway. And i still always had the skill to subdue Atofe with just my sword techniques and the mana she had too. Anyway, i clearly was laying in bed

"Thank god your awake!"

My mother said. I would have healed even if those goblins would have broken my bones. Healing magic baby!

"Y-yes... how is the rest?"

"Fine! You are now known as the hero wich saved 10 people you know?"

Yeah it was 10 people! Some girls too... brownie points? Naw, no way. In this world i can't technically even marry Tess or any of the girls. We were just going to be married in name. Multiple relations were already weird. Not to mention 11 with whom i am all married! No other girl would even want to join. But fact is i saved them.

"Some girls came visiting from time to time but they didn't seem to be ones you saved... do you know them?"

"M-maybe... can't tell"

Fuck yeah! With spreading my name i was 100% notticed by my wife's. 

"How many..?"


Good! One is 100% tess, and the rest... pray that one is Sylph and the other is... Amber? Hope it

"What did they look like?"

"One had black hair and was very white"


"One had abnormal white hair and had red eyes. Probably a albino"

Sylph? Wait did she still have white hair? Let's go!

"Yes, and the last?"

"Black hair and purple eyesp. Actually they were twins."

Amber! Booyah! I guessed them all! wait, purple!? Delta and Luna! That's one i will take.

"R-right... i know them. But it's a secret from where. Moving on, what happened to that strange portal?"

"Right! Theres a new strange phenomenon called a "gate". You came across one. Much about these gates is unknown, but some people have gained powers. Seemingly to stop these gates."

I can gamble that this system i have isn't really a awakening. Then maybe i was still getting the awakening i had in my dream! 


Then, when i recovered i got back to school. I was greeted with a aplause. 4 girls came running. I was correct! 

"We know it's you..."

They said whispering. Though i can't be seen with any of them yet.

"J-just wait until later. We will be secret daters alright?"


Sylph asked dissapointed

"Tess can explain"

"Hmmm... Luna accept that answer!"

It seems they have now learned clean dutch. How Delta passed is a wonder. But hey, wonders happen too! Plus i'm sure Amber and the rest are also passing but elsewhere.

"Right. Then i will move on"

In class i was greeted by my mentor for this year. Robby. 

*not his name again!*

He was a p.e teacher. He was well liked and i got through the years pretty quick. In november though i sold my Ethereum. End selling price; 4080 bucks. I made 40.8 milion dollars in provit! My dad made around 20 milion. I told him to sell immediatly via text and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"You did it again!"

He texted

"Your son is a genius"

"Sure is!"

Though this year had... "obstacles". First off, corona was still a thing. But when we did get over it, gates were still a common occurence. Then for the rest, i was now known for being a multi milionair genius. Come on! I sure am but hey! I was known for being the richest 12 year old in history. 

"Tell me your secret!"

"Is it true you made all of that in crypto?"

"Any tips for us?"

Those were some questions asked by reporters. I snubbed them off though. Itoshi Sae way! But i was now seen as the talent of a century. Good! It was about to become better. I picked up soccer. Not for any reason except for fun. I wasn't eveluated as a hunter yet and no one asked me neither. One glimpse was enough to see that i wasn't anything special. I was just human! Though i am probably not a normal human. For i can, at the end of all the quests my concience made, destroy universes. Probably at least. I mean, my mana was so much that i could chain god class techniques! Not that i tried but i could! It might even be the reason i have to do these quests at all! But i still picked up football. I was seen as the prodigy of a century. I had learned for milenia after all. I was self learned now. Though i know this soccer part will be done for when i "Awaken" it was fun to show everybody that i wasn't just a nerd. I was now not hailed as just a "prodigy" but as a god sent man. I mean to a extent i was. But years passed again. No occurences except dating my women with mcdonnalds from time to time. Sure, i could have brought them to ibiza to party with the most exquisite food but i was already better then most top chefs in this world could ever dream to be. And so the years passed and passed...

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