Chapter 4: They are gone

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Narrator pov

Nezha was with his brothers over Xiaotian,They wanted to kill him and Nezha wasn't having it. Xiaotian just stood there in silence watching Nezha protect him, Xiaotian wished he could do something but he didn't want to make the situation bigger.

Soon Xiaotian put his hand on Nezha's shoulder and started to speak to the angry brothers.

Xiaotian: Look, I am very sorry for you know..... fucking your brother without permission.

Muzha: Ok, look you two can date BUT! If you hurt him.

Jinzha: If he says stop touching him and you don't listen.

Jinzha and Muzha: WE WILL KILL YOU!

After the fun warning the two brothers left the apartment. Xiaotian and Nezha looked at each other and started to laugh.

Nezha: So yeah, these are my brothers.

Xiaotian: Yeah, very nice people.

Xiaotian went back to the bed and Nezha followed him then Nezha got on top of Xiaotian and gave him a smirk.

Xiaotian: What are you doing?

Xiaotian gave Nezha a nervous chuckle while Nezha was just looking at him. Nezha bent down and started to suck on Xiaotian's neck.

Xiaotian pov

Nezha started to suck on my neck I was a little scared because Nezha's zodiac animal is a snake, and he has fangs and I seen Nezha bite a demon. The demon's skin starts to bubble up and the thing explodes. And I didn't want that to happen to me but I can't say I am not enjoying this.

Nezha: What? You're not enjoying this?

Xiaotian: I never said I wasn't enjoying this.

Nezha still continued and I wasn't going to let him win. So I squeeze Nezha hips making him moan then I roamed down to his thighs making him moan out louder. I smirk then I decided to tease him by rubbing on his cock he started to begging for more then, I got on top of him before doing anything else Mei callede from the other side of the door.

Sorry for how short this chapter is

Have a nice day/night

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