𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Maisha: I didn’t come tomorrow  sorry, I was a little tired.

Mirah: oh that doesn’t matter, actually I had something to tell you. This report says that this hospital is using a rare kind of drug to research on people without their permission which is illegal. This is maybe supplied by italian mafias,actually I was working on a mafia case before, there is a mafia named AugustD who is working between dubai and italian mafias. I know he may have supplied this but the hospital owner is the main culprit!  What is he? Is he so much powerful?

Maisha: why are they doing these?

Mirah: They just do such things for fun and those doctors who are in the research sector, how could they do so?

Maisha: maybe they are threatened!

Mirah: we have to make a proper plan to catch them red handed,if this hospital owner is so powerful we need to be more alert.

Maisha: ok but for now you take rest.


Maisha: Jin, I have to talk with you.

Jin: I'm busy.

Maisha : We can talk after your work.

Jin: I'm not feeling well,I'll go home quickly.

Maisha: Actually it's urgent, it's about

Jin : Whatever the thing is.... stop telling me.... You wanted me to stay out of your matters!  Didn't you?

Maisha: Atleast listen to me first.

Jin: I'm not interested.

Taima: wow...unbelievable... You are shouting at her? Hey dear sis why don’t you understand he is not interested in you anymore.

Jin: You stay out of it. In fact you two stop giving me headache.

Taima: what did I do? And she called me this time.

Maisha: I had to tell you both about those medicines, now I  changed my mind bye.

Taima: medicines? Oh medicines, hey Maisha wait... Yah why don’t you go and bring her? She may have very important things to say,otherwise she would not have called me.

Jin: damn it...you shouldn’t have said anything.

Taima : now it's my fault? She doesn't even care what I say or what I do,she may be hurt because of you. You are the one who used to give her attention which she may have never gained in whole life.

Jin: suddenly being nice..huh? Don't think I'll fall in your trap.

Taima: ahh this stupid guy...you are not even my type...am I being good? Huh I was always good.(roll eyes)


(Knock knock)

Maisha: come in.

Jin: I...

Maisha: you? I thought it's Afiya, why are you here?

Jin: I'm sorry I

Maisha: As you know my weakness now you must be thinking how vulnerable I am.. right?  You are also being good with me because of your kindness right?  You must have thought just because you screamed at me.... I must be feeling low? As I'm a depressed person,... Why do you all show your kindness?  Some girls were bullying me at College... Fahim became sympathetic because of that...Afiya became sympathetic because I couldn’t talk properly with others...you are becoming because I  am weak in your eyes.

Jin: You are not weak, you are stronger than anyone else. I used to tell everyone how sad and depressed I was because a girl dumped me...what a fool I was but you...you don't even tell nor anyone can say that you are struggling, I'm sorry, I was...

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