Take His Breath Away

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Leon had a plan for his trap. Sure, it wasn't the best one but it was something. And Togami approved of it this time! Which meant that it really was good enough.

Luckily, they didn't need a lot of stuff. Just plastic wrap and glue- a lot of it. But with the building they were in being a school, all it took was taking a trip to the art classrooms.

That took a bit longer than Leon would've expected, but that was mostly because the headmaster kept sending them in wrong directions- Leon figured the guy must've been too scared about everything to properly think. Just like Hiro, he had also been weird.

There were times where he just... spaced out and didn't respond to Leon. It was weird, but Hiro was probably just scared. Leon got that- the bat monster was terrifying. Leon was very happy the monster was slow- otherwise he would've wanted to leave this place ages ago.

But he was slow, which made it much easier to handle- he wasn't like Grindel. Now that was a living nightmare.

The bat monster hadn't hurt anybody though, which was great. That was also the only good thing about this whole situation.

The tension between Fukawa and Togami really is... something...

It wasn't exactly nice to witness, but it could be worse. They hadn't talked to each other- or even looked at each other- which meant that there had been no arguments. If there had been even one... Leon just knew it was going to be bad.

Which was exactly why he was trying his best to just... keep Fukawa away from Togami. He knew Togami good enough that an argument was just waiting to happen. So, Leon would try his best to make sure that didn't happen. And separating them was the best way to do that.

For now, Leon could only hope they would stay like that. He had a trap to get working on, after all. Luckily, it wasn't a difficult one to make- it was pretty easy. He just wrapped the plastic around 2 poles and used the glue to make sure it would hold on.

Now, the bat guy just had to get there. And that wasn't really difficult- the thing was still chasing them after all. They just had o send somebody to go after the thing and find it.

As usual, this was Hiro. With a sigh, the boy resigned himself to his fate and started to run. Leon and the others just kept waiting for him to return.

Leon already was holding one end of the plastic wrap while Sayaka was holding the other end. It was their job to wrap it around the bat monster when in would get stuck due to the plastic wrap wrapped around the poles.

It didn't take too long for Hiro to return. Leon already knew he was coming when he heard Hiro scream, followed by the sound of him running again. Hiro arrived before the bat monster, allowing him to hide behind Togami who just shook his head.

And then the bat monster came running towards them. It might've been slow, but Leon was still scared of it. It reminded him of Grindel.

Of how Grindel had slashed Togami's arm open. All because Leon couldn't move out of the way fast enough.

No time to think about that, you idiot!

Leon chastised himself and shook his head. He needed to focus, the monster was approaching.

He and Sayaka got ready to wrap the plastic wrap around the monster once it got stuck. But... that didn't happen. No. Instead, it just slashed through the plastic wrap- the same way Grindel had done with Byakuya's arm- and continued to move forward.


Immediately, all of them began to run, just like they had done just hours before. They were once again getting chased by the bat monster. But this time, they were getting tired. They had less energy.

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