Surprise Surprise!

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August 3rd

It was a month since everyone gotten drunk, everyone seemed to forgotten that night and carried on as normal, while Samantha couldn't stop thinking about it and made it worse she was two weeks late for her period "I am never late for my period, especially never this long" she says in her mind.


Quickly looking up and noticed Danielle standing there giving her a worried look "you ok? Since that night you just seem to look worried all the time" Samantha nodded knowing well she was lying, really all she wanted to was dig herself a hole and cry in it.


It was finally lunch and Samantha went to the canteen where she usually goes and sat down, as she was eating her lunch she noticed Danielle walked in and walked up to her and sat down next to her just looking at her "what?!" Samantha says more in a really grumpy voice, quickly covering my mouth when she realised how she sounded "I'm sorry" Danielle just nodded "what is wrong?" She finally said in her more motherly worried voice "Nothing, honestly"
"Samantha! I know you and there is something, now tell me!" And from that moment Samantha knew she couldn't hide it anymore, the tears was flushing down her cheeks fast like a waterfall. Danielle just sat there surprised, surprised to see her best friend randomly burst into tears.

After Samantha calmed down Danielle just pulled her into a big hug and then said softy "what is it you not telling me?" Samantha sighed and slowly pulled away and looked into Danielle eyes "M - me and P-paul" not able to say his name since that night "we slept together"
"The night we all gotten drunk and I-I think I might be pregnant by his child" Danielle just sat there shocked, she couldn't believe what she was hearing then next thing Samantha saw a side in Danielle she never knew she had "That bastard!! How could he do this! He is married and even have kids of his own!" Samantha quickly pulled her back down when Danielle stood up "he don't know, he don't even remember that night from being so drunk. Please don't say anything to anyone. Not yet anyway" Danielle sighed and nodded and calmed down again "have you took a pregnancy test yet?" Samantha shaked her head no "well how do you know you might be pregnant then?"
"My period late"
"Well that can be normal you know?"
"By two weeks!"

Danielle quickly went O and looked down to think of something then looked up again to Samantha "well I will stick by your side and help you and after work buy an pregnancy test. Do anyone else no about this?" Again Samantha shaked her head no and that made Danielle frown some more "maybe you should tell your parents, they should understand what happened"
"My mum, maybe. But my dad he would be threating to come to my work and shoot Paul for what he done to his little princess and then he might not want talk to me anymore" both the girls chuckled to themself when they thought about Paul being shoot, but it was quickly quiet when the canteen doors opened and walked in Paul, he was talking to some woman and they was laughing and Danielle whispered to Samantha "you going to tell him?"
"I have to. But not right now I rather wait for a bit before I go there" she whispered back and Danielle nodded watching Paul the whole time.


Samantha made up an excuse to Paul if she could leave early of course he said yes and she slowly made her way to her car she knew if wanted to do a test she had to go now since all shops would be closed by 7.


Sitting in her car, Samantha gave a deep sigh and slowly opened up the pregnancy test, being scared to look at it to see what it said, she quickly closed her eyes and prayed hoping it came back negative, then slowly opened her eyes and looked at the result quickly giving a frown and started crying realising she was pregnant.


Samantha finally arrived outside her house, she didn't want go in there "how am I gonna tell them the news that their oldest child is pregnant and the baby daddy is my boss" she says quietly to herself then a tear went down her cheek as she quickly threw the pregnancy test in the box and on the back floor of the car and then heard a small tap on her car window and noticed Louise standing there with a confused look.

Help! I got pregnant by my boss!Where stories live. Discover now