Boy or Girl

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November 11th


Samantha sat in the waiting area, but this time not on her own but with Paul. He made his promise and wanted to be there "I am gonna tell her" Samantha looked confused "what you mean?"
"My wife, I am gonna tell her what happened"
"But your family"
"Samantha, you are right. This baby can't live in this world with lies, and think my wife starting suspect something anyway, the way she never talks to me anymore" Samantha just nodded "plus the last month I was selfish but only the news shocked me. But now I know being there for you and this baby means a lot to me" Samantha couldn't help but smiled and giggled when she felt the baby kick.

"Samantha Williams!" Samantha slowly stood up, being 20 weeks pregnant she wasn't a size 8 anymore she went up to 2 sizes.

"So is this the baby daddy then?" Julie says with a smile on her face and Paul nodded as he sat down next to Samantha looking at the screen.

"Do you want to know what your having?" Samantha and Paul looked at each other and then turned back to Julie and nodded "well get ready to paint the nursery pink" Samantha quickly started crying when she found out she was having a daughter.


Samantha sat in the car outside her house, Paul was still with her "you sure you want to do this?"
"It the right thing to do, I did knocked up their daughter and made her pregnant" he chuckled softy to himself.

"Hello sweetie, who is your friend? How was the appointment?"
"Firstly this is Paul, he is my boss also father to my baby and second I tell you in bit" Samantha mum frowned when she mentioned the word father to the baby, then her dad walked in and he clearly remembered him when he gave him the look of hate and went straight into the living room.

"Mum, dad, callum and Louise how would you all like help me paint the nursery pink?" Samantha never heard the loudest scream from everyone, apart from her dad.


"Samantha dear, alright come in here for a minute?" Samantha nodded looking confused to her mum and sat down, crossing her arms over her stomach "me and your dad been talking and we been thinking it time for you to move out" Samantha looked shocked "but where will I go?" Samantha mum played with her hair "well we will help you find somewhere and we don't mind you staying here until the baby born. But having a baby in the house will just make the place more cramped" Samantha nodded agreeing with what her mum said "what about callum? Isn't he going to uni still?"
"Yes he is. But your dad deciding to make his room into a spare room for when have guest staying round or when your brother comes home for the holidays, it just won't be fair on anyone or the baby" Samantha nodded once more.

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