Time Skip X2 part 1

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A/N for the next two chapters gonna see lot of time skip so be prepared a lot of changes and I won't be doing dates ect for the next two chapters

-3 years later-

Samantha smiled proudly at her daughter at her best friend and old work college wedding, she couldn't believe her daughter was now 4 and already be starting pre school soon.

"I can't believe you are now married"
"I can't either" giggled an happy Danielle. Samantha watcher Taylor playing with the other small children who was from Danielle family "soon it be your turn for kids" Danielle smiled "well we have been talking about kids, but think gonna wait at least a year after we married to go there" Samantha nodded "just remember you won't be young forever"
"Don't remind me, I can't believe I be 31 next year"
"And I be 25" the two girls loved when they realised how young they was still
"How are you and Eddie going?"

Eddie was Samantha boyfriend, they been dating for a good year and a half and she never been madly in love before and he loved Taylor as his own so that a plus.

"We doing well, we are actually going on our first holiday together just us two without Taylor so I am really excited about that"
"Anywhere nice?"
"Spain, paul going look after Taylor for the week. It be nice for Taylor spend some time with her dad since she haven't saw him in a while" Danielle nodded and then Tom walked over.

"Hello ladies" he says as he keep his eyes on his new bride "I am gonna steal your friend for a dance" Samantha smiled and nodded watching Tom and Danielle dance together "wonder if that be me and Eddie one day?" She thought to herself.

"Mummy, what are you thinking?" Samantha smiled down to her daughter and stroked her dark hair what what was up in a pretty bun "Nothing dear, why don't you play with the kids"
"I want to dance with my mummy" Samantha smiled and took her daughter small hand and walked on the dance floor and let her daughter stand on her feet not caring how odd it must seem to other people.

Even though Taylor was only 4 she was bright for her age, already knowing all her ABC and know how to count up to 10 already, Samantha knew Taylor was going be smart in school when she is older.

-1 month later-

"Be good for daddy sweetie and I see you when I get back, I love you" Taylor couldn't stop smothering her daughter with kisses, this was the longest she ever been away from Taylor and she knew it was going be hard "I love you too mummy"

Paul laughed as he heard his daughter hand, he worked it out with his family and his wife took him back, Taylor gotten on well with her half siblings the boy being called James and he was 15 and the girl Chole 12 "you acting like you will never see her again, you be home before you know it" Samantha quickly hugged Paul, Paul and Samantha formed a close bond and knew for their daughter sake that was the best thing to do.

-7 hours later-

Samantha and Eddie finally arrived at the house Eddie booked as a surprise for Samantha as their week away "oh my, Eddie it beautiful!" Samantha says so happy, quickly hugging Eddie and kissing him on the lips.

-3 day later-

Samantha was confused, why Eddie wanted her wear her best clothes today, she quickly fitted in her knee length black strapless dress and put a cardigan round her and black heels on. Even though Samantha clearly wasn't a size 8 anymore she was happy the size she was.

-1 hour later-

"Surprise!" Said Eddie as he uncovered her eyes and Samantha noticed a table with two chairs and a candle in the middle, then she realised she was on a roof of a building. Quickly giving Eddie the biggest hug ever.

"That is not all" Samantha then turned confused and watched Eddie go down on one knee and went for his pocket, that when Samantha realised what he was doing "Samantha, I have loved you the moment I saw you. You was beautiful the day I saw you in that coffee shop and the more I gotten to know you the more I fell in love with you and when I found out about Taylor, that was when I knew you had to be mine. Samantha will you do the honor and be my wife? Be the one I wake up to every morning, who I tell I love you to everyday, I'll even give you more kids if you want..." before he carried on Samantha shouted out "Yes!"

-1 week later-

"You are so lucky, I wished Tom proposed like that" Samantha chuckled and looked at the big ring on her finger "I want to have another look" said Samantha 18 years old sister, she couldn't believe how fast her sister grew already started uni and already founded herself a boyfriend even though they not that serious "Wow, it pretty sis" Samantha smiled and nodded, Samantha mother and brother walked in the living room, Callum was the tallest in the family being 6'2 nobody understood where he got that from, he also was in a serious relationship with a boy who he met at uni. Everyone was surprised when they found out callum was gay, but they al accepted him straight away.

"Can I be bridesmaid?" Taylor said one night to her mother, Samantha chuckled and nodded as she brushed her daughter very long hair "think it time to book you in for a haircut soon"
"I love my hair mummy, no haircut" Samantha chuckled some more and said back as she brushed the last knot out "ok sweetheart no haircut. You are just like how I was when I was your age. Promise me something"
"Anything mummy" Taylor says as she turn round facing her mummy as they sat on her bed "promise me you never grow up and stay my little girl"

"I promise"

Samantha knew that promise wouldn't stayed, but she would make this last as long as she can. Then she gently kissed her daughter on the forehead "now time for bed" Taylor quickly climbed inside her cover and Samantha was about to turn the night light on but Taylor stopped her "I am not scared of the dark anymore" then she slowly falled asleep.

Samantha knew from that moment her little girl wasn't that little anymore and she realised she already miss having an baby to look after.

-3 month later-

Samantha couldn't believe this time next year her daughter would be starting school, she knew that day would come some point, but never realised how fast it was coming.

Taylor was spending the weekend with her daddy and Samantha and Eddie had the house to themself "I want a baby" Samantha said to Eddie, giving him an sad look "you sure?" He says serious "Yes, Taylor is growing up, before you know it she won't need me anymore to baby her, she not 5 yet and she already starting to show me she don't need me that much"
"She always will need you, your her mother" Eddie pulled Samantha in his arms "but if it a baby you want, then you will get a baby and I be the best dad in the world to thus baby" Samantha smiled happily, pleased to hear that, then they kissed.

-9 month later-

"It a boy!" Samantha and Eddie both cried when they found out they had a son, now having one of each "go bring in the family" Eddie quickly went out the ward and came back few minutes later with Samantha parents and her two siblings and Taylor. Then there was Eddie family.

"He is beautiful, can see his daddy in him" said Eddie mum as she heard her 3rd grandchild, Eddie have three older brothers and they both married and the oldest one already got two kids already.

Samantha smiled as she watched her newborn been passed round the room so everyone had their chance to hold him then her mum spoke once it was her "what are you gonna call him?" Samantha and Eddie looked each other and then said "Ryan Samuel and we decided to get him have his dad last name since it be easier since we be getting married soon" Samantha mum nodded as she rocked the baby gently in her arms "I remembered being here when Taylor was born, can't believe that now been 5 years"
"I am here you know!" Everyone laughed when Taylor spoke, being only 5 she knew how to act older then her actual age.

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