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December 24th


Being now 6 month pregnant Samantha noticed how much her stomach have grew in a month, looking at herself in the and rest her hand gently on her more rounded belly "I can't wait to meet you little one and there many people who is excited to meet you too" Samantha giggled when she felt her daughter kick.

Samantha dad finally accepted what happened and now he is excited to be an grandad himself, then there was Danielle she says she never want to marry but all she spoke about was her brother wedding last weekend and how it was beautiful in the snow "I wonder if I ever find the one and get marry?" Samantha thought to herself.

December 25th


"Merry Christmas!" Samantha family all said to each other, usually her family went to her aunt's for Christmas but for a change they had it at home.


Samantha never felt she eaten so much in her life before and people just kept on putting more on her plate, well she is eating for two now.


"Presents!!" Louise shouted excited, presents always was her favourite bit.

"Samantha I want you to open this, you might like it" said her cousin. She slowly opened up the pink wrapping paper and noticed it was a baby moses basket "it use to be Kaylee's when she was born. But she now gotten too big for it so think your little one will like it"
"She will love it" Samantha said as loud as possible so everyone else would hear since she wanted to surprise the family about the baby being a girl, the only people who already knew was her parents and siblings, Paul Danielle and now rest of her work college.

Everyone quickly gave the biggest smile once they heard then went back to opening presents.


Samantha had one of the best Christmas, even though her family was still there Samantha ended up going to bed early.

A/N Sorry this chapter really short but in next chapter will have a time skip to the birth :)

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