Chapter 26

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By the living room Olivia was offering everyone drinks and chatting away, Alison was at her side with her fifth drink in hand.

"Liv," Alison cried out. "I really don't want to go on that road trip."

Olivia shrugged. She was setting the kitchen table with all sorts of liquor and cups. "You're coming."

Alison lowered her head and muttered bitterly under her breath. "But why did you have to invite Matthew and Charlie?"

"Because they're our friends."

Alison remained quiet. There was no way Olivia would give in, but damn, being stuck with Charlie in that cabin and trying to avoid Olivia and Matthew from finding out seemed impossible.

"Plus, I don't see what the big deal is," Olivia went on, "You told me you two cleared things up."

Alison had also lied about that earlier that day, it was the only way to get her to stop asking about Charlie.

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts. You said you talked to Charlie, she may have a crush on you but you're not interested, so now you're just friends, right?"

So wrong. "Right."

The small apartment was filling up, more and more college kids walking through the door. It was getting to a point where it was hard to walk.

"Are you okay?" That was the third time Olivia asked her that question.

Which of five hundred answers should she give her? Alison wondered. The way she had felt yesterday or this morning or right now? They were all different, they crossed the spectrum from rosy pink to pitch black. Right now it was a dark shade of gray, she was anxious and wanting to turn around and leave before Charlie arrived, because she wasn't sure she could hide this from her friend for long - but it was already too late.

A certain brunette walked in, she seemed to be walking in slow motion, her chocolate brown eyes gleamed in the dim light of the party and her shiny hair swayed from one shoulder to the other, she was talking to Matthew beside her, smiling as if she was a blurry picture in Alison's mind that suddenly came into focus... A canvas filled with color: brown, orange and yellow, the color of sunshine and the sunset. Was she wearing make-up? Alison wondered and suddenly knew that if she was, Olivia was behind it. The world stopped for a minute... Or two. She seemed different, she had a beautiful glow. It was as if Alison was looking at Charlie for the first time, like really looking at her. And maybe she was, because for the first time she wasn't annoying Charlie or friend Charlie or confusing Charlie. She was just Charlie. The dark shade of gray turned into an explosion of colorful butterflies in Alison's stomach. Good, Olivia thought. She's wearing the clothes I gave her.

"Wow," she let escape through her lips.

Olivia smiled. "I know."

A rush of murmurs swept through the party on the heels of Charlie's arrival. Matthew was beside her but, like Alison, no one seemed to notice him. It was the first time so many eyes were on the brunette, she began feeling self-conscious, she was used to being invisible, she was comfortable being invisible. But it was impossible to go unnoticed when she was looking as stunning as she was now. Her lips, from a distance, looked so full and... Fuck. Alison thought. Within seconds of her arrival she was all people could talk about. Chatter got back to Alison stating that Charlie was an exchange student from South Africa, which was ridiculous because she didn't even have an accent but how could they know that? They were also seeing her for the first time. All of a sudden Alison felt stupid, how could she have been so blind?

"Hey Liv," Sebastian Beck, point guard of the basketball team, said in a low voice. "Who's that?"

"Fuck off, Sebastian." Alison bit back and he must have felt the poison in her tone because he left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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