Chapter 8: Cherry

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The next day, I woke up practically jumping out of my bed from the excitement of what had happened between me and Atlas the day prior. As I showered that morning for classes, I recalled every detail every touch every eye contact that had happened in the empty classroom. It's too good to be true. I started to believe it was all a dream, a sort of fantasy that would never happen in real life and would only be found in books.

As I spent what felt like an eternity in the shower, I finally got out and started to get dressed for the day. Once I started to doubt the interaction had happened, Lisa came up to me with a knowing smile, reminding me of the event, and with a sigh and a knot in my stomach, I realized it was all true.

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I felt nervous after realizing it was all true it had happened so for the rest of the day I looked for Atlas in every crowd and tried to avoid him, not because I wasn't interested, but because I was nervous about what he thought about me now and recalling the flirty comments and actions I did which made me want to drown myself in the black lake. For a moment of shock from recalling everything I did I started to believe Lisa and Mandy slipped Firewhiskey or a Felix potion into my drink because there was no way I would be able to do what I did and be able to pull it off.

"Did you guys slip something into my drink yesterday morning?" I asked Lisa and Mandy as we walked together to the quidditch field. I found it very random that they were having a quidditch match on a Tuesday, but with the OWLS nearing and the Slytherins still having the opportunity of playing quidditch by kissing Umbridge's ass, there was no such thing as a schedule of when they will play quidditch especially who will play, most of the time it was as if we were just watching the Slytherins practice.

"No," Mandy said, unsure of her answer. "Yes, we slipped Felix's luck into your drink," Lisa said, unable to contain herself. I contemplated getting upset with them and started yelling, but without their help I wouldn't have been bold enough to make a move or catch Atlas' attention, so after a few seconds of keeping quiet to myself I told them "Thank you." In gratitude for their trying to help me one way or another.

After hearing my appreciation, they let out a breath that they didn't even know they were holding in. We went to find seats with the other Ravenclaws and as time passed and the game continued, it was quiet between Lisa, Mandy, and me for a moment as we watched the game, but then I broke the silence by saying "I don't know if it was a mistake what I did." I told them, feeling nervous. Lisa turned to face me and said, "Don't worry, it worked out, and Atlas ended up asking you out." She said as she smiled at me, "he hasn't asked me out yet actually, he said that we haven't gone out yet" I told them feeling worried at the thought that maybe Atlas didn't want to go out with me after yesterday. "It's only been a day give it time," Mandy said, finally taking her eyes off the game and turning to look at me as she gave me a warm, comforting smile.

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A day had passed by it was now Wednesday, I was filled with fear thinking that maybe Atlas didn't want to go out with me or that maybe I imagined everything and made Lisa and Mandy believe it was true. The day passed quickly, and by the time we realized it was time for dinner in the Great Hall. I searched for Atlas across the room but couldn't find him. After some time of sitting in silence, I spoke my doubts to Lisa and Mandy. "Is it too early to doubt Atlas?" I asked them as I picked on my food, "It's barely been two days it's too early to doubt him." Lisa told me as she ate her dinner, "Maybe he's trying to find a way to ask you out." Mandy said with a smile, and she continued to eat as well.

Soon dinner ended, and we all headed back to our common room, but as we were making our way to our common room, Mandy got stopped by the one and only Mattheo Riddle. "Hey, Mandy, I was wondering if I could speak with you?" He asked Mandy, fidgeting while holding a bouquet of red roses and a box of chocolates, Lisa and I looked at each other and then smiled at Mandy."I'll catch up with you guys,  yeah?" Mandy told us. After a few glances, we made our way to our dorm giggling, and for a single second, I felt doubt in Atlas. Once we arrived at our dorm Lisa rushed to the bathroom to start getting ready for bed and as I made my way to my bed I noticed a letter on my pillow followed by a bouquet of white tulips wrapped in newspaper with a black bow around it tying everything together and a white box wrapped with the same black silk bow placed next to the flowers, suspiciously and nervous, I got the letter and slowly opened it. As I scanned through it, I looked at the signature first, which read "Atlas Black," so eagerly I sat on my bed and started to read the letter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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