[5] CAMP!?

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My shoulders felt heavy as I boarded the jam packed bus, aizawa, my very good friend who convinced me to mentor his trouble making class somehow managed to top my tired-ness. Glancing back at him over my shoulder I seen him slump even more. The poor dude looked exhausted.

The children only got louder once they seen me, all yapping about how chill it was to have a pro for a mentor all week.

"Alright, that's enough. Quiet down, now." Aizawa spoke harshly, his jet back hair standing up on que.

It became so silent I swear you could hear a pin drop, students turned to eachother holding back giggles while pulling out earbuds, or cellular devices to entertain them as this was quite the long ride. Me personally, my entertainment was a nice, long nap. My seat partner Aizawa beat me to it. His yellow sleeping back consuming his lengthy figure.

The small talk between the awkward teens was amusing for a while, but it soon put me to sleep like a baby. Probably the best bus nap I'd had in years, until a firm hand landed on my arm, Causing me to jump right outta my seat.

"Holy shi- gles..." I yelped.

"Nice catch, Artica." Aizawa stated bluntly.

I followed after him, adjusting to the bright, beaming atmosphere. We were standing atop a cliff, everyone stretching.

"This isn't much of a rest area" the kid with the weird elbows stated, earning a tsk from their teacher.

"You don't actually think we stopped here so you could stretch your legs, do you?"

Their faces all went pale and majority of them attempted to shove their way back onto the bus. The black car no one seemed to question suddenly became the focus, as 4 familiar kitties crawled out of it.

"Long time no see eraser, Artica, how's it goin?" Said one of them, while they did their own tv-like introduction.

Although groggy, seeing them energized me.

"They're a 4 person hero team, they specialize in mountain recuses! This marks their 12th year of working together!!" Hollered the geeked out ball of joy.

His face was soon met with the paw of dear pixie bob, the fierce blonde kitty.

"I'm pretty sure your math must be off, I'm 18 at heart." She growled


Everyone took a step back and slumped down, her fierce attitude wasn't always a great 1sf impression.

"Everyone, say hello" aizawa instructed, and they followed.

"We own this whole stretch of land, everything you can see. The summer camp you're staying at is isn't there." Pointed mandalay, the brunette, gentle yet wise kitty. A few kids complained about how far it was, while a brunette student pointed her finger to speak.

"Uhh then why are we stopped all the way up here?" She questioned worriedly

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that" said a frog like girl.

A few students then again tried to board the bus, which led to the kitties wagging their tails and smirking.

"The current time is 9 in the morning, if you're fast about it you might make it there by noon."

Protests were protested, but none were taken into consideration.

Pixie bob knocked the kids to the bottom of the cliff while mandalay directed them to make their way using their quirks to the training camp.

They grumped for a moment before racing into the forest, while aizawa and I re-boarded the bus, and mandalay led pixie bob back into the car.

Their faces were all drained as they hauled themselves out of the woods. A few face planting into the ground of the training camp. Even the strongest looking ones looked exhausted, dirty, and hungry.

"Meow meow meow, I thought it would take you kids even longer, you guys held up against my dirt monsters better than I expected! Nice job!" Shrieked pixie bob.

She pointed her paw at a group of 4 boys, appearing to be the 4 strongest. "I claim these 4! I'll nurture you to your full potential!!"

Sometimes I forget how weird these kitties can be..

She pounced on them, the 4 boys struggling from her grasp.

"Mandalay, has she always been like this??" Aizawa questioned disapprovingly .

Mandalay shook her head smiling before speaking "she's always been a little much, but it's gotten worse. Ya see, she's at the age to take a mate.."

Midoriya peaked up at that "speaking of age.. uh-"

"Choose your next words wisely, boy." Pixie bob threatened, her paw over his mouth.

"I've been wondering since we got here, who's that kid? What's he doing here??" Pixie bob eased up at this, and mandalay took the reins are introduced the young boy.

"Oh, this is my cousins son! He lives with us now, don't be shy, say hi kota,you'll be around them for the next week." Mandalay spoke cheerfully.

The fluffy haired kid escaped pixie bobs grasp and approached young kota. His introduction was cut short due to the fact kota shoved his tiny fist into the family jewels of the highschooler. Freckle boy doubled over in pain, glasses by his side to comfort him through this pain.

The explodey boy and half and half bickered for a moment, before aizawa directs d them to all take their bags off the bus and set it in their rooms before supper.

They all obeyed him so effortlessly, he really did groom them into behaving well.

They all did it so quickly too, the slowest one being the perverted grape boy.

I could hardly breathe through the piled of food I'd been shoveling into my mouth. "This is so.. delicious!" I yelled to no one in particular.

Many agreements and giggled were sent my way in return. Seeing everyone so cheerful was quite refreshing. It's not everyday a group of students get together and eat peacefully.

When I was in highschool, lunch was drama fest. But let's not get into that.. I smirked watching everyone converse and eat their food. They knew deep down this was the easiest day of camp they'd have. Atleast some did, not everyone was bright enough to see that.

"So.. Artica, how's being part of the big leagues?" Questioned Mandalay

"Well, it definitely has its pros and cons. Some of these missions are starting to get ridiculous but I will always love seeing the faces of the young children after I save their parents or even themselves.." I began to yap "seeing a kid with your face on their shirt is such a confidence boost mid battle, let me tell ya!"

She smirked, she knew just how to get me talking. I was overall pretty quiet, but around the right people, and the right topics.. I could talk for hours. It felt like that was the best option too, and that's exactly what I did. I talked until it was time for me to change into my pjs and rest up. Tomorrow would be no joke, and I needed this rest in order to function.

His "Angel" Dabi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now