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Trishika's Pov

So today is my wedding. The day which is very special in any girl's life. Today I am going to marry a person whom I love,the person who has my heart,the person with whom I want to share my life,the person infromt of whom I can cry,the person who is my love.

According to me having a boyfriend,girlfriend,husband or wife is not love but having someone in your life on whom you have blind fate that even if you hurt them to the extreme they will still hold your hand and say "I was I am and I will always be yours no matter what"

Since childhood I always wanted a relationship where we can act like idiots, talk about the most random stuff,share music and never get tired of each other and today I have that relationship.

Aadi is someone whom I trust blindly I know that even if I am going to fall no matter what he will save me. I know he will love me till his last breath. I am very lucky to have him in my life and today I am going to be his. From today onwards I will be called as MRS. TRISHIKA ADVIK RAGHUVANSHI.

Right now I am sitting in front of the mirror all ready in my wedding lehnga. My heart is filled with so many emotions that I can't describe it.

I am happy for my marriage but I am sad because I am going to leave the house in which I spended 24 years of my life. The house in which my cries,my laugh echoed. I never felt this much attachment to my house my room this much that I am feeling today.

I was busy in my own thoughts when I heard a knock on the door which broke the trance of my thoughts "It's open"
I replied and the person was none other than Shanaya "Ooo my Goddddd Trishu you are looking soo beautiful" this was the first thing she said to me "I know baby"

"Okay Trushu I have a gift for you" She said to me and I was curious to know what's the gift so I just raised my eyebrow and she asked me to close my eyes so as per order I closed my eyes. "Now open your eyes" I heard her voice and slowly opened my eyes.

I gift I saw in front of my eyes was the best gift I saw my 2 bestfriend Aadhira standing right in front of me. We both met after whole 5 years. I immediately hugged her and at this moment I am soo emotional and happy.

"Don't cry girl your makeup will look bad" She said to me and I chuckled. I freed myself from hug and asked her "Why didn't you came to attent all the function" she chuckled and replied that she was busy with the work. Then we all started talking or I can say they both got soo much busy in teasing me and I just replied my time will also come.

Then after some my mom came and after seeing her eyes got watery and she was happy and sad both. She just can't express her happiness of my wedding and sadness of leaving me.

Then I headed downstairs with my both best friends and my mother. The moment I stepped outside my room my heart was beating soo fast it was like I am going to get faint right at that moment only but I manged myself and walked towards the stairs and the song played.

I was walking downstairs looking on the ground today I was not getting the courage to look up but I manged to look at him and the moment I looked at him he was already looking at me with a big smile on his face.

Advik's POV

The moment song played I looked towards the stairs and I saw my rani sa walking towards her new life. She was looking eternal bur I don't know why today she was looking towards me instead she was looking at this stupid floor but when I was thinking this or I can getting jealous with this stupid floor my rani sa looked towards me.

Only yours-A Love Till Eternity Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora