XXXVII - Hot Wheels

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Lucy, Dustin, Steve, Russell, Robin and Erica were all hiding behind the 'Great Cookie' counter in the food court, ducked behind the counter to hide from the Russian spies who were after them. The six were breathing heavily, not making any other sounds. Dustin had Lucy's right hand tight in his left, Russell on Dustin's other side. Lucy couldn't help but notice that she separated herself from Steve between the two fourteen year olds. It made her wonder if it was on purpose or not. Everything felt so quiet, yet so loud. Lucy could hear the slushie machines turning, whirring in front of them, her friends' breaths panted in her ears, footsteps of the men after them echoing the empty mall behind them. Wait. . .Shit. They were getting louder. Was it just in her head? She couldn't tell. What if they were actually getting closer. That wouldn't be good. They were light yet methodical, like the few men were together walking in sync. Trained to be quiet. Suddenly, the alarm of the mall floor's show car went off, splitting the silence. Lucy jumped, gasping along with her friends and covering her mouth to better quiet herself. The footsteps stopped. 

A loud crash screamed through the room, causing all six kids to pop up and look over the counter. The red car that had previously been parked behind velvet ropes was gone, but so were the men. Kind of. They were splayed on the floor, all unconscious and seeping blood. The car was smashed, right into the food court's Hot Dog on a Stick. As they looked to their left, at the top of the banister stood Eleven. Dustin and Lucy both grew large smiles on their faces as their other friends came into view. Lucas, Mike, Will, Max, Nancy, Jonathan, Rylie. . .and Justin. Lucy chuckled slightly when Dustin's huge smile fell to a look of mixed fear. He remembered the annoyance or. . .anger? in Justin's tone earlier over the walkie talkie. 

"C'mon." Erica huffed, running around the counter. The other five followed just after her, rounding to the water fountain in the middle of the floor and just next to the escalator their friends descended. 

"You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!" Dustin laughed, running and hugging El and Mike. Lucy was quick to join, as her hand was still entwined with Dustin's. Not that she minded being thrown into her one of her best friends, and Mike's, backs. 

"Lucas?" Erica huffed. 

Lucy saw from the corner of her eye as Rylie pulled Russell and Steve both into, from the looks of it, a much needed hug on Rylie's part and a semi-uncomfortable one on Russell and Steve's. 

"What are you doing here?" Lucas exasperated at his little sister.

"Ask them. It's their fault." Erica pointed her thumb at Robin and Steve as Dustin pulled himself and Lucy away from the hug. Though the young couple were immediately pulled into opposite directions into their selective older sister's arms. 

"True, yeah. Totally true. It's absolutely our fault."

"I don't understand what happened to that car-" Robin followed Steve's words. 

"Rylie!" Lucy cheer-mumbled into the blonde's chest. 

"Lulu, you're okay?" Rylie pulled back slightly, grabbing Lucy's face and looking it over. Lucy gave a sturdy nod and a smile between her cheeks that were squished out from Rylie's unforgiving hold.

"I got a boyfriend," the brunette smiled, her eyes crinkling on the sides. 

"You did, huh?" 

Lucy nodded.

"Dustin, I presume?" 

Lucy nodded again, this time slightly more eager. 

"That's adorable, Lulu." 

Rylie let go of Lucy's face and pulled her into another hug, this time with Lucy on her toes and able to whisper into the blonde's ear. "I think Russell's mad at Steve."

[ 𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚐𝚜 & 𝙳𝚒𝚛𝚝 ] ~ 𝙳𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now