🔞CHAPTER 34 : A hope

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Her wrists, bound tightly to the headboard, throbbed with pain, the rough texture of the restraints chafing against her skin. She tried to move her fingers, to regain some feeling in her hands, but they remained numb and unresponsive.

The minutes stretched into hours as she lay there, She strained her ears, listening for the faintest sound of footsteps, the telltale sign of her captor's approach.

But the only sound that filled the room was the steady rhythm of her own heartbeat.

where is he?

did he left me here to rot ?

is he never gonna come back ?


who am i kidding noone is here.

She squirmed uncomfortably on the bed, the pressure building in her bladder becoming increasingly unbearable. With each passing moment, the need to relieve herself grew more urgent, but she fought against it, unwilling to succumb to the humiliation of wetting the bed.

Her thighs clenched together tightly, muscles straining as she tried desperately to hold back the tide. She could feel the warmth spreading through her abdomen, the telltale sign that she was losing the battle against her body's demands.

pee ..

i need to pee

But still, she resisted, her teeth gritted as she willed herself to maintain control. The minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity as she struggled against the pressure.

it's been hours still noone arrived her squirming and twisting of bed became frantic and painful she felt her bladder exploding .

She gasped in shock and embarrassment, the warmth spreading quickly between her legs as she surrendered to the inevitable.

And then, finally, she felt the first trickle of urine escape, hot and humiliating .

Suddenly the door creaked open, her heart pounded witho f fear and desperation. She locked eyes with Katsuki crimson ones, her cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment as the unmistakable sound of urine hitting the sheets echoed in the room.

At first, it was a soft trickle, almost tentative in its arrival, but the sound grew louder, more urgent.

It was a sound she couldn't control, couldn't muffle or disguise.

Time seemed to freeze as the stream continued unabated, her body betraying her in the most humiliating way possible.

every drop that fell further stripped away her leftover dignity.

Katsuki's expression hardened as he took in the scene before him, his gaze flickering from her flushed face to the spreading stain beneath her. There was no mistaking the contempt in his eyes.

She wanted to disappear, to vanish into thin air and escape the shame of her predicament. But she was trapped, pinned beneath his gaze, her body still betraying her with each involuntary spasm.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the torrent ceased, leaving only the scent of urine and the stain of her humiliation. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to bear the weight of his silent judgment as she lay there, exposed and defeated.

And as the last drops fell, the sound dwindled to a faint trickle, then nothing at all, leaving only the eerie silence of the room .

Katsuki's muscles tensed with disgust as he witnessed the grown woman wetting the bed before him. His jaw clenched as he surveyed the scene, his gaze flickering between the dampened sheets and the woman's humiliated form.

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