Anger and kiss

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They were standing in the same position, anirudh pressing bondita against the door and she was crying. He was not doing anything just staring at her while remembering her pleadings which she was doing to him for saving chandrachud. He likes it when she fear him after doing anything wrong, it shows that she understand her fault and have the fear of punishment. But after doing the same mistakes again and again she can't escape by shedding some tears. She have to understand what she did today and have to take responsibility of her acts.

The whole room was dark and the moonlight coming from window was doing nothing just making the atmosphere more intimidating. After sometime anirudh asked in a slow but heavy voice.

" Is he this much important for you that you were literally begging me by falling on my feet just to save him"

Bondita slowly raised her eyes which were fixed on his chest till now and looked towards him. He was glaring at her with his dark eyes.

" Say is he this much important that you forget about your self respect and hold my legs to save him"

His question made bondita still and she think about the previous events of night, she can feel his anger but she have no choice, not finding any other option to save her jamaibabu she hold his legs and in her opinion someone's life is much important than her self respect. Her own patibabu was about to make her sister widow by killing her husband. How can she let that happen.

" Whole village saw there that you fall on my feet and were crying to save your brother in law" His voice brought her back to reality, Anirudh said while looking into her eyes but oppose to his previous acts this time his voice is calm like a silence before storm, on hearing his question bondita tried to say something but it made anirudh suddenly shout on her and bondita stop in between.

"For god sake stop crying bondita, am I beating you? Say am I torturing you, ha" Bondita shook her head on his direct question and he again said

"Then first wipe these tears" He said and bondita wiped her cheeks. But it didn't stop him, looking like this time he was irritated by her behavior.

"you always started crying if I said something, my bondita was never like this ,this vulnerable, she always fought for truth with determination but never hold anyone's leg, she used to shut everyone's mouth by her arguments but never compromised her self respect for anyone then why today "

Anirudh said, his every word is affecting bondita. She is no more crying now and for the first time after marriage listening to her patibabu's side.

"You always said that I am not like your old patibabu then say are you the same bondita, I know I have done mistakes but I am trying to rectify them by doing everything which I can do but what are you doing. My bondita was never like this before, she always believes me but you never even try to know my side and always consider your thakuma, your family's word true. Why ? You used to say that we have to listen both sides before making a decision but every time you take your thakuma and your families side even if they are wrong, you never tried to know my point of view, today also you were begging me to save him without trying to know what happen that I was beating him."

His anger is still not went calm completely, today he was feeling betrayed that his bondita by forgetting her self respect crying and begging by holding his legs in front of whole village to save that person by whom he was trying to save her.

Anirudh turned around and by holding another show piece throw it on the ground. Bondita covered her ears with both hands but after opening her eyes found his hand got a cut and it started bleeding and this made bondita came out from her thoughts. She immediately came in front of him and hold his hand.

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