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What I had feared the most ended up happening— Rikkard came to see us as soon as he learned we were in Kersas. As soon as I told Myra and Mateo about it, their faces turned sour. Myra looked slightly more anxious. Maybe, I shouldn't have let her know about Rikkard.

She was already stressed out enough because of her sister, and Rikkard was terrible enough by himself. Mateo and I should've dealt with him alone, but I could tell that one of the reasons why Rikkard had shown up was to meet Myra. He was curious about her, making me want to thrash him on the walls.

"I'll deal with him," Mateo said, leaving Myra's side.

"Is it going to be alright?" She asked warily.

"You don't have to worry about him, baby girl," Mateo assured her, but I could tell he doubted Rikkard himself. We had been expecting him to show up, but beyond that, we didn't know what else to expect from him.

Rikkard was one of the most unpredictable men I had ever met. Whenever I met him, my senses were always on overdrive, analysing everything about him to predict what he would do next. I had seen him rip off an Alpha's throat at a diplomatic meeting over a simple disagreement. It was one of the incidents that had people calling him the Mad Alpha, but I didn't care much about him in the past because we avoided him like the plague.

However, having Rikkard and my mate in the same building made me uneasy, and I could tell Mateo felt the same way.

"I'll go with you," I chipped, and Mateo nodded.

"If you need anything, simply text us, but don't show up or call us. We don't want Rikkard to meet you. He's a psycho,"

"A misogynist psycho," Myra snorted.

"Is it the misogynist trait that makes him the worst?" I couldn't help but ask. Myra shrugged. "Does that mean it'd have been alright for you if he was only a psycho?" I had to ask.

"Definitely," Myra nodded. "I can deal with psychos. I've dealt with a lot of them. Heck, I even grew up with one, and now she's out there fucking up my life while I try to find her, but a misogynist is worse than a psycho for me,"

"Let's go now. I don't want him to come looking for us here," Mateo urged, and I nodded.

"I'll see you soon, pussy cat," I told her before pecking her lips. "Don't leave the suite, and don't open the door until it's one of us," I told her, and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a child,"

"Well, there's a misogynist psycho on the loose. Can't have him catch you," I shot at her, and Mateo chuckled while Myra glared at me.

"We'll be right back, baby girl. Don't go anywhere," Mateo pecked her lips before the two of us finally left our suite. A tense silence stretched between us as we went down in the lift. Rikkard was waiting for us in the hotel lounge, looking casual, but we knew better than to let our guards down because of his unassuming facade.

Rikkard greeted us by cocking an eyebrow at us. He looked around us as if searching for someone. I gritted my teeth. I had been right in assuming that he was partly here because of Myra.

"You didn't bring your mate?" He asked intently as Mateo took the seat across Rikkard. I sat between them, a hand resting on the gun in my pocket.

"Why are you here, Rikkard?" Mateo asked him grimly.

"I wanted to ask you the same. Never have you two come this far. Is everything alright?" Rikkard asked; there was a dangerous edge in his voice.

"Everything is alright," Mateo answered blankly, but Rikkard smiled.

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