*|| All About The Characters ||*

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Hello everyone! This part will kind of be like a character tracker, as well as an in-depth description of the character. All the main characters featured in the published parts will be listed below. 

Love, Dizzy


Sophia Winfield (Sophie)

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Sophia Winfield, or Sophie to her friends and family, is at the heart of her own coming-of-age tale. At 16, she's smack in the middle of high school, juggling homework, friendships, and the occasional high school drama. Sophie's got these hazel eyes that light up with curiosity, and her dark brown, curly hair always seems to have a mind of its own, bouncing with her boundless energy. Standing at 5'6" with a tan complexion and a slender frame, there's a quiet strength about her that might not be obvious at first glance. As a student, Sophie is all about giving her best shot. She's into her studies, especially art and literature, and she's not afraid to explore new ideas. But it's not all about books—Sophie's got a tight-knit family too. There's her dad, who has a huge personality, Tod, her mom, Raquel, and her younger brother, Hunter. They're not just family; they're the source of some of the best (and sometimes craziest) moments in her life. Sophie's journey is about figuring out who she is and where she fits in the world. Through her relationships and experiences, she's growing into a young woman ready to take on whatever life throws her way beyond the school walls.

Cameron Dwayer (Cam)

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Cameron Dwayer, or Cam some people call him, is an interesting character in the high school world. At 18, a senior with a towering height of 6'3", he's got that laid-back tan skin and an athletic build that comes from his football passion. His dark brown, thick hair and warm brown eyes give off a confident ego that draws almost everyone and anyone in. It's almost annoying how much of a girl magnet he is. Cam's not just about football; he lives and breathes it. You'll find him on the field, giving his all with every play, fueled by dedication and a competitive edge. But when he's off the field, he's either a big-time partier or someone you can vent to. With his complex personality, it makes it hard for Cameron to navigate through the world. His mom, Lydia, his sister, Savannah, and his dad, Michael Dwayer, keep him grounded and supported. In our high school narrative, Cam brings a mix of athleticism, charm, and loyalty that adds depth and excitement to our dynamic world. Not only is he anything everyone would want, but Cameron also has wealth and pride in his family name, bringing him home to a mansion every day.

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