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3 days before the movie

My name is Priscilla fickelgruber and I'm 16 years old, my father is Felix fickelgruber

It was the day of my engagement

I met him

Issac, the son of the chief of police

My father shook hands with the chief of police and his wife

You remember my daughter? He asked and took my hand

Oh yes lovely to see you Priscilla the chief of police wife said and shook my hand

Issac rhe chief of police yelled for his son

Yes father he said

This is Priscilla fickelgruber the daughter of Felix fickelgruber he said

Lovely to meet you he said and kissed my hand

And she is also your future wife he said

What? We both said


But daddy we shouldn't be engaged this young I said

I know darling he said

Then Issac took my hand for us to dance

Then he started to twirl me around

Then we kept on dancing

Till daddy took my hand to dance and his mother took his hand to hand

So, baby what do you think of him? Daddy asked as he started to dance with me

He's okay, but when is the wedding

In about 2 months

2 months, daddy that's too soon I said

I know my dear he said and kissed my hand

Then we kept on dancing

Then soon I was going to be a bride to a boy I didn't even know

He was going to be Issac fickelgruber

Come with me wonka x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora