Mission part 2

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We heard a gunshot

Shit I said

Naughty, naughty, Mr Wonka's

We saw the chocolate cartel and Peter, Felix Jr, and Benjamin

You've caused us quite a bit of trouble

You and your urchin and our daughters

Priscilla, Abby, sunny

Girls slugworth said

Hi daddy I said

Yeah, but she's not just an urchin, is she Mr slugworth?

You're family


What are you talking about, willy?

You know that ring, noodle?

The one your parents gave you?

Mr slugworth and the his children has one just like it

Don't you, Mr slugworth and guys?

As a matter of fact, I do

That belonged to my brother Zebedee

Was he my father?

A hopeless romantic is what he was

Like my daughter dad said

That's not true daddy I said

Shut up Felix and Priscilla Mr slugworth said

Fell in love with a common little bookworm, died before they could marry

Leaving me and my childern sole heir to the family fortune

Or so I thought

But nine months later, your mother turned up on my doorstep, begging me to get a doctor for her sick little newborn

I was just married to my beautiful wife Katherine and we just had our son Peter

I said I would help

Katherine didn't know about it

But you didn't, did you?

Oh, no

Instead you put me down a laundry chute

Mrs Scrubitt found me

She saw the ring

Thought it was an N, and called me Noddle

But it wasn't

It was Z for Zebedee

Well, quite

When your mother returned, I told her you had died

She was heartbroken, of course

But, uh, I gave her a handful of sovereigns and had her escorted from my property

What was her name?


My mom what was her name?


Let me see, um

No, I don't think I could remember that

Sorry, but you have to understand, she was very poor

Dad gags

Sorry, Felix

I rolled my eyes

Her name was Dorothy

Dorothy Smith, it says so right here


Well, what do you know?

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