Wonka brother's chocolate

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The next day me, Sunny, Wanda, Abby, Anabelle,  Charlotte, Lily, Jenna and Ruby met up with the others

Hi guys I said

Apparently they found out about the little orange man again

Willy, Wesley, there not real Abby said

Issac came over

As it sp happens we don't need to be selling no chocolate today

And why is that?

You know that ship?

The one you've been dreaming of?

Then she held out the keys

Then willy held my hand as we walked in

Now, I know what you're thinking

It may need a little work

Looks like someone left the water running twenty years ago and the ceiling fell through

And the ceiling above that, and the ceiling above that

But that means we can afford it

For a week, anyway

And we'd finally be legitimate

The police wouldn't have any excuse to keep bothering us

So, what do you think, willy, Wesley?

Do you guys like it?

Do I like it?

Noodle, it's just as we always imagined

No, scratch that, it's better than I imagined

I mean, look at this place

I mean, yeah it's a wreck, but, the potential

The bones

I hugged Lottie

You mark my words this is gonna be the best chocolate shop the world has ever seen


You won't be scrub-scrubbin' much longer, Noddle

We'll all be free

As free as flamingos

Then me and willy hugged and Noddle hugged us

Then next day we got ready

Me and Abby got ready and Sunny

Then we started to set it up

Then Abby Noddle, and Lottie were passing out

Me and willy were on a boat

Willy took my hand

Then we were on top of the cherry tree

Then I grabbed some cotton candy

I put one on his nose as we laughed

Then a rainbow came

I saw Piper, Lottie and Abby together

Willy twirled me around

Then I smiled at the people enjoying

Then I kissed willy

Then I saw an old man's hair turning blue

Mr Wonka's?


What's going on here?

Oh, my goodness

That's impossible


Yeti sweat?

Then I went over to Abby

Abby did you put something in the chocolate? I asked

No, why

Then a woman hair turns green

Oh my god, Abby get Sunny now I said

Then the people turned angry

Oh no I said

Then Abby hugged Piper

She was scared

It's alright Abby

Lottie hugged Issac

Then there was a fire

Oh no I said

Then willy grabbed my hand

Then I ran out with Sunny and Abby

Then later I went back in

I saw willy sitting alone

Then I hugged him and cried

I'm so sorry willy I said

Wanda was with Wesley

Then he hugged me back

Terrible shame, what happened here

Then I saw Mr. Slugworth, daddy and Mr prodnose and the boys

Take it you're responsible?

Us? Oh, no, well, not personally

We may have encouraged Mrs Scrubitt to enhance your creations

We paid her to poison them

Yes, thank you, Gerald

You're welcome

So why have you come?

To gloat?

Oh, no, Mr Wonka, I don't waste my time with that sort of thing

We've come to offer you a deal

This is the precise amount you owe Mrs Scrubitt

This is for the number cruchers, the plumber, the twins, the telephonist, the so-called funny-man

He is funny anabelle said

And this is for the girl

Now, we put in a bit extra for her

So that she can get a place to live, clothes, toys, books

Oh, yes, Mr Wonka's

You could change her life, change all their lives

And what would me and my brother have to do?

Leave town

Oh, and, um, never make chocolate again

And Wesley leave my daughter he said

And willy leave my daughter and she will marry Issac

There's a boat sailing at midnight

And for their sake, as much as your own, I hope you're onboard

No I said with tears in my eyes

Come with me wonka x readerWhere stories live. Discover now