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Kokichi x Gullible Male Reader
Killing Game AU
Sorry, really long for a oneshot
‼️Hasn't been proofread yet

"You know I heard if you look up, down, left, and then right, you can reset your vision." Kokichi said proudly as he held up a finger.

"Really? Let me try!"

I could hear Kokichi chuckle as I stopped in my tracks.


I looked back forward and my vision started to blur out.

"Uh, Kokichi I don't think it's working.."

Kokichi started to laugh even harder now, making me realize he was lying to me.

"HAHAHAH! I don't know how you fell for that!" Kokichi said as he laughed hysterically with his arm over his stomach.

"Not very funny Kokichi."

"Sorry, sorry!" He responded, still smiling.

I walked away from him and into the dining hall, I can't believe I fell for ANOTHER one of his lies again.

I sat down at one of the tables, noticing everyone talking amongst themselves.

"Hey y/n, what are you thinking about?" I heard someone say as they sat down next to me.

I looked to my right and saw Angie smiling all cheerfully.

"Oh I'm not really thinking about anything." I lied.

I was honestly thinking about Kokichi.

"GAH!" I accidentally yelled out, grabbing my hair with my hands.

"What's got you so fuzzled up over y/nnn~" I heard a voice say as they placed their hands on my shoulder.

I whipped my head around and now saw Kokichi standing behind me.

"Obviously you Kokichi."

"Aw you're thinking of me." Kokichi teased as he wrapped around me and sat down next to me, squeezing Angie away.

Angie took this as a sign and got up and left, probably to tell more people about Atua.

I ignored Kokichi as I stared down at the table, drawing imaginary circles with my finger.

Kokichi took notice of my solemn behavior, "Alright I'm sorry y/n. I'll stop.. for now."

I looked back up to him, he really did feel bad.

"It's alright I guess." I said smiling.

"Woohoo!! Now let's go!" Kokichi said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the dining hall.

He took me to the kitchen and I wasn't sure as to why.

"Huh? Kokichi.. what are we doing here?" I asked confused.

"I made this new drink last night, so far everyone who's tried it thinks it's really good."

Really good huh..

"Alright, I'll try it too then!" I responded happily.

I could hear a faint snicker but thought nothing much of it. After all, Kokichi said he would stop, even if it were for a while.

I sat down and waited for Kokichi to finish making his drink.

It wouldn't kill me right?

"And done!" I heard him say.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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