40) A Nova Reborn

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Makeshift army tents had been set up, creating a little base of operations, able to communicate where necessary. Laswell had been flown in by Nikolai in the meantime, the latter lounging at one of the tables occupying the small space. It was temporary and it showed, but it would do. You'd taken seat across from the Russian, both of you conversing in his mother tongue while playing cards. Wasting some time.

"I hope you have a better play than that up your sleeve because I'm about to fuck you over, Prizzy."

"You know Nik, in English you're a lot nicer. Like, too nice almost. Why bother?"

You heard the chuckle he gave as he quickly switched languages, "People underestimate me that way. They think me nice because I take long time to answer, and my speech be different. But I make easy for them", he said while putting a card down.

[🎵: Sugar Wraith - Post Malone]

"How so?", you asked back, quickly laying another card on top of his.

"I play nice, gun does not. Speaks only one language, easy to understand. 'Bang' means hello and goodbye at same time. Very useful, no?"

"You know, suddenly I understand why we get along so easily."

"Giving no fucks is greatest talent, should teach you some time. Hold on, how did you-"

A smile flashed across your face, Nikolai now noticing your hand was significantly smaller. You'd made a play while he was talking, losing almost half your hand, much to his confusion. His thoughts clearly working out the move you'd done, your ears perking as you heard people in the background.

The mission was in full swing, at least it had been until it'd completely stopped in its tracks and you were all told to standby and wait for the last stragglers of reinforcement to show up. According to Laswell a last minute change up she deemed necessary. Price hadn't liked the delay at first, but after Laswell had explained who it was they were waiting for, his mood seemed to lift tremendously. You couldn't hide it made you curious on who to expect.

Echo..not a bad callsign. Wonder what he's like- wait..what if it's a she.......I'm getting a headache.

Your little dropship stunt, the second one you'd pulled now, had worried most of the people around you. Price not telling anyone what you'd talked about, leaving you to yourself mostly while the others came to express their concerns. The only one who hadn't checked in or nagged to you about it being Wheys, most likely because he himself seemed to have shared your extreme adrenaline junkie ways. You'd heard from the others how Wolfe had laid in to the buzzcut repping man harshly, disappointed at how far Wheys' behaviour had gone. Especially in front of superiors and hardened veterans no less.

Nestor was the last that'd showed up, and had secretly fistbumped you while Wolfe was lecturing his right hand man. The blond young lad saying how he wished he could be that level of ballsy. Switching behaviour right after, adding his worried thoughts to the mixture. Apparently his face was wrinkling too much and your actions weren't helping, only making it worse. You'd grimaced and waved them all away, leaving you at the table you were at currently. Waiting for further news, with only Nikolai and Laswell to keep you company. The only two people around really who didn't berate you or complained to you. And you liked that they didn't say anything. It made you feel more at ease, at least for a short while.

"Las, sergeant is cheating. This not Uno. Her cards now in my hand, I say isn't right. She tells me is 'the game'. ерунда", Nikolai complained, cursing to himself.

"Am not? You just don't know the rules, друг."

"You make new rules."

"They're called houserules, not my fault you can't remember them."

A Living Shield (John Price x OC/Reader slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now