Chapter 4

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Logan gracefully lifts the heavy elevator grate with ease, his strong arms straining against the weight. As he does so, his paint-splattered shirt rises slightly, revealing a glimpse of his toned abdomen and a teasing hint of a happy trail. She quickly averts her eyes, not wanting to be distracted by it. Weeks after the gallery incident, he had messaged her about a forgotten piece that Ryan had purchased from him the year before. His offer to either keep it or resell it only added to her curiosity about his art. The intense emotional response she had to his previous work for Ryan heightens her interest in this piece. In an effort to determine if she wants to keep it, he invited her to his studio to view it in person.

The converted warehouse served as a unique blend of a creator's space and living quarters for him. It stood tall and imposing, a stark contrast to the rest of the industrial area surrounding it. Through the large windows of his industrial loft, one could see the hustle and bustle of the city below. Despite knowing he was successful in his craft, she couldn't help but wonder how he afforded such a place in this expensive area.

Stepping inside, her eyes were immediately drawn to the assortment of unfinished sculptures and paintings scattered across the spacious room. The strong smell of paint hung in the air, evidence of his tireless work ethic and dedication to his art. Beside these works-in-progress, there were also purchased artworks waiting for delivery or pickup. She couldn't help but admire his passion and talent.

"Would you care for a drink?" His warm, deep voice breaks the silence between them.

She decided to stop by his loft after work after seeing his space wasn't far from her office, which explained why they had ended up on the same train that morning. "Sure, whatever you have will be fine."

He leads her to the side of his spacious loft, which doubles as a living area and kitchen. She takes in her surroundings, admiring the various pieces of art scattered throughout the room. Some are sensual and alluring, while others remain a mystery to her. Paintings in every color imaginable adorn the walls - from dark and moody to vibrant and lively. Sculptures in all shapes and sizes line shelves and tables, some with natural curves and others resembling powerful machines. She can't help but feel out of place surrounded by such artistic creativity.

As she wanders around, one painting catches her eye. Unlike the abstract pieces, this one is a realistic depiction of a woman with piercing blue eyes staring directly at the viewer. Her mouth is open, blurred as if caught mid-movement, leaving it up to interpretation what she might be doing just below the edge of the canvas. But it's the intensity in her gaze that captivates her - an unspoken desire and longing that tugs at something deep inside her soul.

"Sophia," he says, his deep voice rumbling like a low melody as he hands her a small glass of bourbon. She takes a quick sip, the amber liquid swirling within the delicate glass. "She has beautiful eyes, huh?"

"Yes," she nods, trying to focus on anything other than the man's sexuality that seemed to radiate off of him. She takes another sip, attempting to savor the smoothness and warmth of the drink. "It's not an abstract." She notes, grasping at any art-related comment she can think of to steer the conversation away from all of the inappropriate thoughts running through her mind.

"Yeah, I don't do all abstracts or I'd get bored with it," he nods in agreement, his attractive features illuminated by the soft light of the gallery. His eyes are particularly striking, deep set and framed by dark, thick lashes and eyebrows that bring out their clear green color even more. Grace can't help but think that someone should paint his eyes.

"Do you want to see it?" He asks suddenly, gesturing towards a larger painting nearby.

Curiosity getting the best of her, Grace nods and follows him a few feet away to another medium-sized painting. She marvels at the use of hues in black, green, and violet, with circular geometric shapes interlocking with each other in an intricate dance on the canvas.

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