Chapter 12

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As Logan opens the grate, his usually relaxed face is replaced with a somber expression. Worry etches deep lines into his features, and his eyes are shadowed with concern. It's been over a week since she last saw him, it was before Bridget's interview had been broadcasted, and everything had changed since then.

The news had been splashed across headlines all week, a scathing expose not only about Ryan, but about the entire Washington elite. It seemed like Bridget was going for complete annihilation, fueled by her recent discovery that she was being primaried by her own party. Her reputation as a backstabber and troublemaker preceded her, making it difficult for anyone to fully trust her allegations. To most, she was just another disgruntled employee seeking revenge, willing to drag others down with her in the process. But deep down, Grace couldn't shake the feeling that there was some truth buried in her claims about Ryan and his deceptive actions.

Ever since their last encounter, she had been actively avoiding Logan. Her fingers would hover over her phone, tempted to text him and give him an excuse for their lack of communication. She knew all too well what would happen if she didn't respond a storm of anger and punishment from him that she desperately wanted to avoid. It was always a risk that he would show up unannounced, demanding answers. She didn't think he was attuned much to current events so she didn't think he would know about news of the affair.

As the elevator doors slide open, he steps out and immediately grasps her face in his hands. His piercing gaze is fixed on her, searching for any sign of distress. He can sense that something is wrong, but does he know what it is?

"Grace, are you okay?" His voice is laced with genuine concern, catching her off-guard. This is not how their reunion was supposed to go. This is not how they're supposed to be.

She doesn't want any sort of emotional intimacy with him, so instead, she forces a smile and nods, "I'm fine." But her eyes betray her true feelings, and he sees the pain and turmoil within them.

Without a word, she begins to unbutton her coat, revealing the sleek black corset hidden beneath. His eyes widen in surprise and concern as he reaches out to stop her hand.

"No," he murmurs, his voice gentle yet firm. "Talk to me. I know, Grace....I know."

She can feel tears stinging at the corners of her eyes as she averts her gaze and her chin starts to tremble. She shakes her head slightly, the gesture full of pain and reluctance. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Did you have any idea?" He asks, his dark eyebrows furrowing in frustration and sadness. "You didn't...did you?"

She deftly sidesteps him, her eyes fixed on the door of his bedroom. "I told you I don't want to talk about it," she says through gritted teeth.

He persists, following her with determined steps. "You're upset," he observes, trying to read her expression. "You've been telling me you've just been busy, but that's obviously not it—"

Ignoring his attempts to analyze her emotions, she pushes open the bedroom door and strides inside. With a calculated move, she lets her coat fall from her shoulders and pool onto the floor, revealing her body clad in only a the corset and a delicate thong. He catches a glimpse of her before quickly averting his gaze to her face.

She lets out a heavy sigh of frustration, feeling exposed and vulnerable in more ways than one.

"What do you want me to say, Logan?" She throws her hands up in exasperation, her body tense with anger. "My husband had an affair with some trashy clown and now it's all over the news? Do you need me to tell you that I'm so angry, that I can't even think straight because deep down, I knew something was going on but I let him lie to me? I lapped up his lies because I didn't want to face the truth. Is that what you want? To hear about my feelings before you shut me up and fuck me?" Her words drip with bitterness as she stares at him, her eyes blazing like fire.

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