Chapter 16

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"Grace, you naughty girl!" Prisha playfully swats her friend's arm as they stand together surveying the room. They are surrounded by friends, the sweet aroma of wine hanging in the air. Prisha glances over at Logan, who is chatting with a few others in their group.

"How long has this been going on?" she asks Grace, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

Grace's face contorts into a sheepish expression. "Uh..." she hesitates before admitting, "Almost two months ago."

Prisha's jaw drops in shock. "Almost two months? That's when we went out for my birthday!"

Grace takes a big sip of wine, a coy smile playing on her lips as she confirms, "Yeah, it was that night."

It was stressful bringing Logan to Will's party, surrounded by their close-knit group of friends. It had been months since Ryan's funeral, and she hadn't seen some of them since then, making the situation all the more awkward for her to introduce a new date. The conversations flowed with forced pleasantries, but she couldn't shake off the underlying tension that came with bringing someone new into this circle. Bringing in someone new so soon made her feel silly and cheap even, though she knows in her gear that's not what their relationships is.

As he chatted with some of her friends from a distance, he caught her eye and playfully winked at her. She couldn't help but smile, feeling a bit more at ease. He was doing his best to charm her friends, but she knew there was a deeper motive behind his efforts. It wasn't just about gaining their approval; it was ultimately about winning her over.

Despite the nerves and doubts swirling in her mind, she had brought him here because she wanted to give their relationship a chance. And as they laughed and mingled with her friends, she couldn't deny the spark between them. He liked her and made no qualms about his interest in something more serious than just casual dating. As the night went on, she found herself growing more hopeful and excited for what could potentially develop between them.

"So what do you think?" Grace turns to Prisha, her hazel eyes searching for any hint of approval or hesitation.

Prisha focuses her gaze, narrowing her deep brown eyes in concentration as she watches him. "He's nice enough, but something is off."

Grace blinks, surprised by Prisha's blunt assessment. She's always been brutally honest with her opinions, often to the point of being tactless. In the past, she had mentioned to Grace that she found Ryan to be self-absorbed and more concerned with his own desires than hers. Looking back now, Grace can see that Prisha may have been onto something.

"He's trying too hard," Prisha continues, her voice tinged with skepticism. "It's like he's putting on a show, trying to prove himself."

A pang of doubt shoots through Grace as she considers Prisha's words. She prides herself on having good instincts when it comes to reading people, but maybe she had missed something about Logan. Or maybe she was just going along with what she wanted to see instead of facing the truth about his true intentions. Regardless, Prisha's insights have given her pause.

"I think he's just trying to get me to take him more seriously," Grace explains. "At first, I was just looking for something physical, but it's become something more."

Prisha shakes her head, her expression troubled. "It's not just that," she says, her voice low and hesitant. "There's something off about him, I just can't put my finger on it."

Grace feels a knot form in the pit of her stomach at Prisha's words. She doesn't want to be wrong about someone again. The memory of past heartbreaks and betrayals weighs heavily on her mind. Prisha's cautionary tone only adds to her unease, as if she's predicting some looming disaster.

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