Chapter 9

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With a charming, mischievous smile, Logan raises the elevator grate in front of her with ease. As she steps out onto the top floor of his building, she can't help but feel a twinge of nervousness at seeing him again.

She lamely holds up a bag full of takeout, the plastic handles digging into her palm. "I brought dinner," she says, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Thank you." His voice is warm and genuine as he takes the bag from her hands and leans in to kiss her.

The way he kisses her suggests that this is a familiar routine between them. His movements are confident and fluid, as if they have done this countless times before. He pulls back, making a satisfied sound as he leans against the counter. She can't help but smile at the sight of him, so effortlessly comfortable in their activities. It's both endearing and intimidating to witness.

With a gentle hand, he offers to assist her in removing her coat, but she hesitates. Her eyes flicker with uncertainty and curiosity.

"Do you do this often?" The question slips out before she can stop it, though she already knows the answer.

A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. "Do you really want me to answer that?"

Her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "No, not really."

He meets her gaze steadily. "I get tested regularly and tend to stick with one partner at a time." His words address one of her unasked questions.

She glances around the room and gestures towards a painting in the far corner. It depicts three intertwined figures and she can't help but notice the intense passion in their embrace. "Your art seems to suggest otherwise."

He glances over, following her line of sight. "That's me and a partner and someone he wanted to bring into it," he explains casually.

Her eyes widen in surprise, but she quickly tries to hide it. She shouldn't be taken aback; after all, she had seen his thoughtprovoking abstracts at the art show, which hinted at his fluidity towards sexuality. But his nonchalant mention of having a "partner" and doing it to please his partner suggests a level of seriousness that she hadn't expected from him.

As she gazed into his eyes, she couldn't help but wonder about his past experiences. Him being sexually fluid was something she hadn't encountered before. In her college years, she had a brief experimental phase where she timidly kissed a few women, but that was the extent of her experiences. It admittedly made her feel more intimidated in comparison to his diverse and adventurous history. While he had been with many different partners, she could count her sexual encounters on one hand.

"If you and I continue and you expressed wanting to try to bring someone into it, I'd consider it." He adds.

Her voice was thin as she responded, "Oh, uh, I don't think so. I don't think I'd want to share."

He flashed a charming smile and reached for her once more, eager to get down to business. "That's okay too," he assured her.

Though she had promised to come after work, she couldn't bring herself to follow through. A fierce determination burned within her as she made her way home, but as she drew closer to his place, nervousness crept in and her resolve faltered.

"Actually," she spoke up, stopping him in his tracks, "can I have a drink?" Her request was almost a plea, a desperate attempt to delay what was to come.

He pauses, his piercing gaze slowly tracing over her figure. Despite the obvious nervous tension in the air, he chooses not to comment and instead makes his way towards the kitchen. With practiced ease, he pours a generous amount of bourbon into a glass and hands it to her. As she takes a sip, her eyes wander around the room, taking in the organized chaos of his work space. Surprisingly, it's quite tidy for someone with such a busy schedule. He has cleverly utilized room dividers to create separate areas within his living space. In one corner sits a modern washer and dryer set, while in another there is a small home gym setup. The distinct smells of sweat and laundry detergent mix with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the nearby counter.

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