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Beth had collapsed, Hershel was missing, and Shane was still going off his fucking head.

"Judie, we need your help." Rick walked up to me as I stared into nothing.

"What is it?" I sighed deeply and looked at him, leaning against the truck.

I had barely slept last night, only drifting off for a little second before the image of Mason appearing with his eyes black and dark red falling from his frail lips.

"Her-" "Missing, I know." I said, turning my head away as I played with my patterned flannel sleeves.

Rick sighed, his hands resting on his hips. "Are you okay enough to help us look for him?" He asked as if talking a fragile animal.

I nodded, barely glancing at him before going to porch, ignoring Daryl as he passed me.

I went to check on Beth before we left and sat on her bed, softly brushing her hair out of her face. "You're gon' be all right, Nate's gonna look after you." I said, sending a smile to a teary Nate.

"Do you have to leave?" Nate asked, reaching over to grab my hand. I hesitated to let her grab it but grasped it soon enough.

"Hershel has to come back to his girls, I'll be damned to let another person die." Nate nodded with a teary smile, squeezing my hand.

"I want to make sure you guys eat." I said, looking down at Beth and then up at Nate. "I need to know you guys will eat. Please." Nate lips trembled but she nodded, I nodded.

"Beth." I looked at her and saw she barely moved but I know she nodded. "You're doing so great." I kissed her forehead and side-hugged Nate.

I got up and slowly closed the door, I looked up from the ground and jump from seeing Daryl right there, leaning against the wall, watching me with those eyes.

"Be careful out there." He said before walking away, hardly giving me time to even answer.

I let a shaky breath before walking out the same way he did, opening the front door. Both Shane's and Rick's eyes landed on mine.

"So, you're sending her too!?" Shane complained.

"Shane, shut the fuck up." I snapped before grabbing Rick's bicep and dragging him away from Shane. "Dumb prick." I murmured before letting go of Rick and going in the middle of the seat.

I watched as Rick spoke with Lori and climbed in the driver's seat, we both sat in silence, watching as Maggie kissed Glenn and muttered something to him. Glenn's face was nervous as he walked down the porch stairs.

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