Chapter 9- Counterpart Chaos

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I stood crouched behind some wreckage surveying Tv Woman and this universe's Brown Cameraman.

"We will invade the speaker base!" Brown cameraman says suddenly.

"?aedi doog a s'taht erus uoy erA" ("Are you sure that's a good idea?") Tv Woman asks him.

"Yeah, it's what mecha scientist told us to do"

"?hguoht meht eldnah ew naC" ("Can we handle them though?")

"Yeah, we'll be fine..."

"I don't think so. We'll stop you" I step out of my hiding spot and glare at the other version of Brown.

"I'd like to see you try..." He says ominously.

"?od annog uoy era thaW .eno no owt s'ti ,haeY" ("Yeah, it's two on one. What are you gonna do?") Tv Woman adds.

"em evah uoy, lleW" ("Well, you have me") A new model of Tv Woman swoops in between me and the old one.

"So, now it's a fair fight!" I smirk anddirect my attention towards my counterpart. He grimaces and gets into a battle stance.

"Come at me" He taunts.

Without further trash talk, I sprint head-on towards him. He stands still with a cold and calculating look in his lense.

"Eat this!" I swipe at him with an X shape using my claws. He blocks them easily.

"I expected more from my counterpart..." He sighs and nails me in the stomach. I cough out blood and grip his hand, pulling him closer to me and shoving my acid cannon on my other hand into his mouth, activating it and blowing us apart.

"Was that all?" I taunt back.

All I get is a simple hmph. He disappears from view.

Where did that bastard go? Oh shit, he's behind me, isn't he?

"Glaugh!" He nails my chest with his knee and follows up with a powerful uppercut. My jaw cracks and hangs loosely. I land with a thud on the ground and spit out blood.

"Oh, and juat to make sure..." He stomps on my ribs, cracking them and causing a whole lot of pain. My vision turns red with haze.

"Heh..." I could hear my core pulsing now.

I try to sit up and my body racks with pain. But I still manage to anyways. My doppleganger whirls around studies me cautiously.

 My vision turns red. And this time it wasn't from the pain.

I rush over to him and smack him into a building. He flies towards the building with a smack and lands on the floor. I grab him by the foot and chuck him into the sky, jumping up and following him. From there I proceed to kick him into oblivion and finally ending it with a powerful kick to the cervix sending him whistling down.

"What the fuck..." He gasps at me. I guess getting destroyed by me is surprising or something..?

He struggles to stand up. Some of the metal coating of his body cracked as he stretched and his camera lens now had a visible crack diagonally.

"If you're going all out... I WILL TOO!"

He stretches out his arms and some sort of oil engulfs them. This process happens almost instantaneously and he now looks like some sort of melting cameraman. I raise my hand and make a 'come at me gesture' back at him, signalling the start of round two.

(Tv Woman POV)

I teleport my hand behind my double and try to slice their back. She dodges and counters by trying to swipe at my arm but I recoil quickly.

"dessiM" ("Missed") She taunts. I grimace and deattach my head, charging towards her with a headless body.

I feint left and she dodges to the right where I swing. She barely dodges and I felt the blade come into contact with her outfit.

"!nwod draug ruoy tel t'noD" ("Don't let your guard down!") I reply.

She smirks. I quickly duck to avoid a hit on the head from a teleporting hand. This battle was going nowhere and we both knew it. I glance over to Brown's fight and notice that some oil was splatered on the floor nearby. I chucke as a plan forms in my mind.

(Brown POV)

My double starts round two with a quick oil slap on the ground. I barrell roll through it and send some blasts in his direction. He dodges them but I manage to come up behind him. I fire my red laser beam at his back while slashing.

Except, my attacks just went through the damn oil.

"Try again!" He laughs at me and sends me backwards with a splash of oil.

He shot tiny oval bullets at me and I ducked behind a wall to think a few things through. Maybe if..? Yeah that'll work.

I try using my pull arm to bring him closer but all it did was cause ripples across his skin. Thinking on my feet, I cupped my hands and fired a smaller laser onto my metal hands. It sparked and caused my hands to turn on fire, melting but then regenerating in an infinite loop.

"How is that going to help you at all?" My clone says as he stopped firing bullets at me. I charged at him straight on and tried to bait an attack but he stood still with a cool expression.

"Heh. What are you gonna do with that fire? Punch me?" He teased. I growled and threw a fist right towards his core, only for his body to burst into flames. I recoil quickly.

"Thanks for powering me up! This fight should be a whole lot easier now!" He taunted.

I smirked. "That was only half of the plan"

I tore off both of my acid cannons and threw them at the blazing cameraman. His eyes widened and he tried to run away but I blocked him and managed to push him back, covering myself in oil and lighting it on fire as well.

"Go to hell, bitch" I end the fight.

One flash. No explosion.

Instead, I find myself watching the Tri Titan... Broadcasting something. 

It's in morse code, but I think I'd be able to translate it.


The same phrase was being repeated over and over again. But then I saw it.

The ones who answered the call for help.

(Tv Woman POV)

I rolled towards a stationary wooden plank and doused it in the oil, trying to hide my actions from the other Tv Woman. She kept trying to slice my body up but I dodged all of them. I could tell she was getting tired, and so was I.

"kaew os si neercs erif ruoY" ("Your fire screen is so weak") I taunted "!snevo nekorb morf reteb nees ev'I" ("I've seen better from broken ovens!")

She formed an angry expression and started using it against me. I manage to light the piece of wood behind my back. It was getting kind of hot. Beter end this quickly.

I dove forward and pushed her into the oil. I used my purple screen to paralyse her but she looked away. I teleported my hand, and she heard the sound of teleportation, so she turned and held her knives up cautiously.

But all I heard was the clattering of wood.

Then the sounds of flames roaring to life. Screams in reverse filled my ears.

I won. 

I won! Yes!

(Brown POV)

"We should get back... To base" I wheezed to Tv Woman.

Sam, who appeared out of nowhere, imediately started treating me.

"Geez, you nearly died... Again!" He exclaimed.

"Key word, nearly. But we really should get back"

"?yhW" ("Why?")

"Oh, y'know. Just a hunch"

Tri Titan TyrannyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin