No Such Thing

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I'll never speak to you

But I'll forever try to

Over and over I pretend I made a difference

You won't notice but I'll say it anyway

Every single day I'll try

As if I really have the chance

Some days I want to risk it all

I think about getting a one way ticket

Never looking back

But I wouldn't make it, my confidence will crack

Maybe I don't belong where I desire to be

All that joy just isn't meant for me

Don't feel bad, it's not your fault I exist here

It's a little sad but I can't help that I was placed here

I'm slowly getting closer but that doesn't mean I'm gonna make it

I'm listing all the ways I don't believe I'll get there

"There's no such thing as a final destination"

I wonder if that's the case now

But I still think, if I ever made it, wow

Could I handle the certain confusion?

What if there's no such thing as "home"?

Maybe we've been mislead 

Maybe no place is satisfying

And traveling the world is merely a game

These thoughts enter my head 

Like a location might truly mean nothing

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