Watching Me

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I see you but you're barely there

I won't acknowledge your violent stare

There's too much in my head

Another world in front of me while you're standing behind me

Wondering why I behave this way

Don't acknowledge what you saw

It doesn't concern you, stranger

I act like I'm paralyzed sometimes

Because I'm not feeling my surroundings

My mind isn't the same as it used to be

So everything looks strange in these places

It's too hard to perfectly explain

I feel so foreign here

I don't belong where I did before

I've been around for so long but no one knows me

I guess it's finally time to go

Will anything change 'cause I have to leave you behind?

I want you to be happy, but not better without me

What if my friends become my past?

I had no clue how much I wanted this to last

This era is fading, I forgot it can't be forever

Goodbye, I still don't know how to feel about it all

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